JD: It seems that Donald Trump has some hesitation as to the fact that he would move the American Embassy into Jerusalem and do it right away. Now he’s made a lot of promises committed to doing it, what’s your reaction to all of this and what are you reading and hearing?
DD: Well Jimmy first off we hear from various republican leaders and various diplomats and world leaders and other that have been saying be careful about this because it could set off an explosion in the Middle East that would mean you the new President of the United States are in a war effectively, you know, the first months in office because of this action.
It also comes after the Iranian revolutionary guard; he said
that they would consider it an act of war if the embassy were moved from
Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem and that they would march in and reverse that. That
appears to be the background that caused President Trump to at least dilute his
promise. But Jimmy, what’s being suggested in Israel is that a compromise might
be set up. Where as David Friedman the new US Ambassador to Israel will live and
work most of the time in Jerusalem at the consulate there and will only
occasionally visit the Tel-Aviv embassy.
The official embassy would still remain in Tel-Aviv. But the
ambassador, who does the main work of the embassy and is the main contact
obviously with the Israeli government from the United States, would live and
work mostly in Jerusalem. It’s being suggested he would move to the official
American consulate apartment and do his work there. If that happens President
Trump can say affectively we have moved our work to Jerusalem, our ambassador is
residing there without actually making the official move and there by setting
off a potential war. Of course the Israelis do want to see the US embassy
official move to Jerusalem but they are very cognizant of the potential
conflict it could set off, and Hamas and Hezbollah have also made threatening
noises. The Israelis want to see it moved but of course they don’t want to see
another war.
JD: David Dolan with that Middle East new update.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled.
It does not matter what the Trump administration does about
the location of the United States embassy, whether in Jerusalem or not.
Jerusalem will be the united, undivided, eternal political capital of the
Jewish people, that’s found in the Bible, God’s Word and it’s found in Psalm
132:13&14, Zechariah 12:16 and 6:13, II Samuel chapter 7 which is the
Davidic covenant, and Ezekiel 37:26&28. These Prophecies guarantee that
Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people.