JD: What would you say are some of the biggest theological problems in the book and or the movie?
DJ: Well first I would say is the way God is presented. The father, papa, God the father is called papa in the book and the movie is actually portrayed by Octavia Spencer who was a black actress. Jesus is portrayed as kind of a cool flannel-wearing shirt wearing Middle Eastern carpenter who’s played by an Israeli actor. Obviously the issue with God is a problem because you have such eastern folk there of the God that’s being presented there and God is not presented that way in the Bible at all. He’s always presented as masculine and as a husband and is masculine.
And Jesus, we know that Jesus is not coming back to the
earth and not interacting directly with humans until he returns to establish
his kingdom. He’s not coming back as a cool flannel shirt-wearing carpenter
he’s coming back as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord’s.
And then, the Holy Sprit is portrayed also by an oriental
woman, a well know Japanese actress. And the name of the Holy Spirit used
throughout the book is amazingly surya, which is actually from the ancient
Indian language of Sanskrit which is the cradle of Pantheistic fault with their millions of
God’s and Goddesses.
Another thing is there is repentance in the book without
forgiveness; everyone is considered a child of God from the beginning so
there’s no idea presentation of the gospel. When the idea of God’s wrath is
presented God the father papa acts if he doesn’t know what they are talking about.
Another issue is papa actually has the nail scars in his wrist, which is another heresy, where
all three of the members of the trinity were actually present at the crucifixion.
And this just barley scratches the surface of what I consider some really deep
issues. The idea that everyone is saved is perhaps one of the most and there for the
opportunity to present the gospel just is not there.
JD: David James with the concerns, theologically, that we have
with The Shack.
We report this information because it is setting the stage for
Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The publication of The Shack in book form and now a movie is
a sign of the times, the end times and God’s prophetic scenario that is found
in the Bible. Notice I said the Bible, not a fictional novel. A student of the
Bible and especially a student of Bible prophecy must look to the word of God
as the final authority.
Paul wrote in II Timothy 4 that in the last day’s
men shall have itching ears and turn away from the truth and shall turn unto
fables. That’s where the church is today. It’s evidence that we are living in
the last days.