JD: Each and every one of us should follow the Biblical pattern
as it relates to this and all other issues. David lets wrap this up again
thinking about the Biblical instructions given to the churches for today.
DJ: Well what we don’t find in the instruction to any of the
churches and this what we look at for practice today what we do today. We don’t
see the process of casting out demons continuing or referred to or any
instructions given in any of the letters given to the churches. What we do find
is that we’re to take a defensive stance we’re not to aggressively go after
Satan. Ephesians chapter 6 Paul says put on the whole armor of God.
In 1 Timothy we find
that we are to not give heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines in demons that’s
in chapter 4 of 1 Timothy. In James we read this, we are to submit to God
resist the devil and he will flee from you. We are to be sober and vigilant
Peter says in 5:8 because our adversary
looks for those that he may devour. And then we know this that whoever is in
dwelt by the Holy Spirit cannot be also indwelt by demon. So, the solution is
to share the gospel trust that the Holy Spirit will be able to give clear
thinking to the one who hears the gospel and when he believes and trust in
Christ for his salvation the Holy Spirit comes in and if there is a demon
present he has to flee and if we’re being oppressed by demons we submit to God.
We resist the devil we don’t go after him because in Jude verse 9 we know that
Jude says even Michael the archangel did not rebuke the devil directly but said
the Lord rebuke you.
JD: David
James with Biblical instruction on how to deal with Satan and demons in the
last days.
We report this information
because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Jesus said in the Olivet
Discourse in Matthew 24 that in the last days there will be an uptick in
demonic activity. Satan who controls demons will release them to try to keep
the world from recognizing the Biblical scenario for the last days actually
unfolding in our world today.
Revelation 12:7-17 reveals that
when Satan and his demons are thrown out of heaven they will endeavor to
destroy the entire Jewish population on earth so God will not be able to keep
his promises to the Jewish people.
Thus, Satan wins. However, I
read the last chapter the Lord is going to be the victor.