JD: I want to ask you about the Sanhedrin and the symbolic sacrifice of a lamb near the Temple Mount this last week also. The Temple is a necessity for these Jewish feasts and since there is no Temple they have to participate in other ways to go about these different feats do they not?
WM: Some of the more active Temple Mount proponents among us try to recall that and we had an exercise a few days before the holidays to recall and remind us what could be and should be when the Temple will be rebuilt and that was done in the Old City of Jerusalem.
JD: Well, tell us about that. Sanhedrin, Temple Institute people, and other like you that were there; tell us what happened.
WM: At the exercise itself several hundred people came to see how the Kohanim would look, how the lamb was prepared, how the special way of roasting the lamb was done. All of these things were done in the Old City and it recalled what was and what should be as I have said before.
JD: During that time that the Priestly blessings are pronounced there at the Western Wall Plaza in the Old City of Jerusalem; took place this last week.
WM: It actually is written in the Bible that God commanded the Priestly class to serve as his instruments I guess or his agents they pass on the blessing. This sort of ceremony has developed because a lot of Jews come from the lands of the Asper to be in Jerusalem at this time and many people in Israel try to come up to Jerusalem at this time. So, instead of the usual several thousand you can have tens and many tens of thousands of people crowded into the Western Wall Plaza.
JD: Winkie Medad with the story of symbolic Temple events during the week of Passover.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
3,500 years ago God told the Jewish people to observe the 7
Jewish feasts on an annual bases. Though there is no Jewish Temple in Jerusalem
today these religious Jews believe that these symbolic events are a part of the
preparations to build the next Jewish Temple.
As it relates to the Jewish feasts 2,000 years ago Jesus
Christ fulfilled the first 3 Jewish feasts. Jesus was crucified on Passover, buried
on unleavened bread, and Jesus resurrected from the dead on the Jewish feasts
of first fruits.
As it relates to the Temple Zechariah 6:12 says that Jesus
will return to the earth and he will build that eternal Temple.