JD: I want to know do you believe the meeting that Donald Trump had with Netanyahu the Prime Minister there in Jerusalem and then over in Bethlehem with Mahmoud Abbas President of the Palestinian Authority, did these two meeting advance the peace process to bring a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict even one inch or is it still just about where it was, status quote?
DD: Jimmy I don’t think we know because the key would have been not the talks with Netanyahu the Israeli’s and American’s have already discussed this. With the Palestinian’s we don’t know what was said and what I imagine the President said to Abbas is, hey we’ve got all these big wigged Moslem leaders on board now to really push forward with the peace process. Don’t forget Jimmy that they all broke relations with Egypt in 1979. All of the Arab countries and all the Moslem countries after they made peace with Israel.
So, whether that’s enough to persuade Abbas to move forward
and again whether that would be enough for him to make peace with Hamas and be
reconciled with Hamas and what it would take to do that, those are the real
issues here Jimmy and we just don’t know what Abbas said and how far he’s even able
to go that’s my concern. It’s not that, he might be willing to walk with the
President in this but again until he subdues Hamas or somebody does maybe
Israel, maybe America, maybe a combination this just won’t go forward because
they simply oppose peace entirely period they want to see Israel destroyed.
JD: David Dolan on the difficulty of the peace process in the
Middle East.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The peace process is actually the resolution of the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This is a 4,000-year-old conflict dating back to
the births of Jacob and Esau. These twin brothers have a history of conflict
down through the centuries recorded in Biblical history. There was also much
about this conflict in Bible prophecy as well.
A number of Jewish prophets actually wrote about the
conflict including: Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Malachi, and Obadiah. All of these
prophets reveal the conflict will continue until the Messiah Jesus Christ comes
back to the earth, that’s Obadiah verses 15-18.
Esau is the Palestinian people of today and Jacob are the
Jews in our world. And the descendants of these two brothers will continue the
conflict until the Messiah allows the Jewish people to destroy the Palestinian
people as if they had never been. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.