JD: G20 in Hamburg Germany, the big report coming out right now Trump shakes hands with Vladimir Putin but there’s more on the agenda between these two world leaders. What are your thoughts about Trump and Putin together?
BM: Well it’s an interesting place to meet in Hamburg. Of course they’re going to talk about Syria what the solution is with regard to Assad and Damascus. How to finally defeat ISIS and keep it from going back into some of these vulnerable places; they’ll talk about safe zones. And then Ukraine’s going to come up and of course Russia’s continued support of Iran and North Korea. Those are all issues that are on the forefront.
When you have the 20 countries which include the U in there
there are all sorts of bilateral sidebar types of meetings this just happens to
be one of those. Clearly one is strategic importance to both of the two
countries involved as well as the other countries in the world. So it’s part in
parcel the types of things that happen in these diplomatic meetings.
JD: Colonel Bob Maginnis with the details with G20 and the Trump-Putin meeting at that same venue.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The gathering of world leaders in Hamburg Germany, the G20
had a great significance on the future according to Bible prophecy. The
decisions by world leaders at the G20 help to set the stage for Bible prophecy
to be fulfilled, that’s Revelation 17:17. However, the sidebar meeting between
President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin was a major development
towards the end time scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.
The United
States is not mentioned in Bible prophecy but Russia is the leader of a coalition
of nations that will try and destroy the Jewish state of Israel as foretold in
Ezekiel 38, Psalm 83, and Daniel 11. Other players in this alignment of nations
include Syria, Iran, the European Union, and the Ukraine all mentioned in the
meeting at G20 between President Trump and President Putin.
God’s word says that the Lord will use in the last days
world leaders to fulfill his will for the end time, that again Revelation
17:17. The G20 Trump-Putin meeting did help set the stage to fulfill Bible