JD: David, I've got to ask you about a statement made by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia accusing the Iranian leader as the next Hitler. What do you know about that headline?
DD: Well Jimmy he said, I’m quoting here, he’s been talking about Iran and its clerical leader Ayatollah Khamenei and he obviously was referring to him as the new Hitler. He said, we don’t want the new Hitler in Iran to repeat what happened in Europe and in the Middle East; we learned from Europe that appeasement doesn’t work. In other words he’s saying that basically there’s no way we can negotiate with these people, the peace deals that have been made or the nuclear deal is worthless, there not to be trusted. Jimmy I just find that remarkable because that could be a statement and in fact I’ve heard that statement from Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel that this clerical regime there is so radical, so extreme, so bent on the destruction of the Jewish people.
Netanyahu’s been saying this guy is acting like Hitler that
we can’t deal with them any deals we do are going to fall apart. But now to
have the incoming leader of Saudi Arabia obviously bent on taking on the
Iranians. And I found it also interesting because the Israeli’s make this
historic comparison Hitler got the name Aryan you know the Aryan nation and the
Aryan culture etc. from ancient Iran. I mean the modern name Iran is connected
to Aryan.
Saudi Arabia and Israel are now working together against
Iran. They do have an alliance. That Israel is indeed sharing intelligence with
the Saudi’s and the Saudi’s back. There is an alliance growing with Israel
simply because they have the shared enemy of Iran and Hezbollah. But this isn’t
of course just Lebanon where the conflict has settled down a bit but still
very tense. But it is Iran behind it all so once again indications that the
region is heading towards war.
JD: David Dolan with the details behind the next Hitler in Iran.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
We know that Hitler during World War II killed six million
Jews, a terrible Holocaust. However, the worst Holocaust is yet to come. Hitler
killed one-third of the Jewish population at that time. The next Holocaust
during the time of Jacobs trouble eight million Jews will be killed. That’s two
out of every three Jews of the present day population. That was foretold in Zechariah
The Supreme leader of Iran who was called the next Hitler is
actually calling for all Jews to be killed today. This next Holocaust will be
the worst ever.