JD: David from what I have been able to learn the event was clearly designed to promote pagan spirituality I understand a presentation of an Indian god.
DJ: There was a paper mache sculpture of the lord Shiva Nataraja which is if you understand anything about Hinduism the lord Shiva is part of the Hindu trinity. There’s actually a Hindu trinity that you know Satan is always mimicking the true God of the Bible. And we understand that the God of the Bible is the father, the son, and the spirit. And the lord Shiva is known as the destroyer and the god of rebirth. So, they had a large paper mache sculpture of that. On the arm of this particular god there is a serpent wrapped around one arm and he holds fire in the other.
There was also a large metal dragon named Apraxas this was
the term used by a nastic in the second century and Apraxas designated the
Supreme Being or the god that they worshiped. And these nastic believed that
Jesus Christ actually emanated from Apraxas and was a phantom not really a real
man. So, this is really horrible paganism that comes out of both a combination Greek
mythology, Greek nastic worship, as well as Egyptian worship.
JD: David James reporting on pagan worship taking place on the
Washington Mall in our nations capitol.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Let me remind you as you study Bible prophecy in the word of
God you’ll find that Satan and his demons are going to be very very active
during the tribulation period. Evil angels are talked about in the book of
Revelation chapters 4-19, sixteen chapters of detailed information about that time
of judgment to come.
These demons will take control of political leaders during
that time, that’s Daniel chapter 10. But also in the religious community
satanic activity will take place that’s, II Corinthians chapter 11 and the
focus will be on Rome Italy and the false church. The world is moving closer
and closer to satanic activity in their lives giving their souls over to Satan
as the end time quickly approaches. This is evidence that the rapture of the
church is about to take place.