JD: In reality they can agree against the decision made by President Trump the declaration of Jerusalem as the political capital of the Jewish state of Israel. They can agree on that and they can become very actively apposed to it can they not and are they not?
IM: Absolutely, they both have to take very very strong stance against it. What’s been so surprising is that where as both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are calling on their people to really have a tremendous uprising. They keep going for days of rage.
What they’re really asking for is significant terror.
They’re asking for what we had last year or a year and a half ago when
Palestinian’s were running through the streets with knives and attacking
Israeli’s and taking their cars and trying to run Israeli’s down almost on a
daily bases. That’s what they’re asking for but the people basically by their
actions said no. There have been a few small, I wouldn’t say small, a few noisy
demonstrations, a lot of rocks throwing, a lot of mock of cocktail but real
The most PA and Hamas are asking for hasn’t come about and I think that’s
quite interesting. It just shows how weak Mahmoud Abbas is instead of the
Palestinian Authority and this might end up being the beginning of the people
starting to look for different leadership. If he can’t even get the people out
to follow him on something that’s as he sees is so fundamental then I think his
people know that he’s no longer a fitting leader for them.
JD: Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch with the details on
how the Palestinian’s could unite in the near future.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The body politic of the Palestinian people has been divided
for almost 10 years now. Failed unity talks between Hamas and Fatah have hindered
a united Palestinian people in their fight against the Jewish state of Israel.
With President Trump’s decision on Jerusalem as the
political capital of the state of Israel this may well unite these two factions
of the Palestinian people. We know this will be the case because Bible prophecy
foretold this end time scenario many years ago that can be found in Malachi
chapter 1.
Ezekiel chapter 35 reveals that the Palestinians will unite
to kill the Jewish people and then steal their land. This 4,000-year-old
conflict will not be resolved until Jesus Christ comes back to the earth, that’s
Obadiah verses 15-18. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.