JD: Well speaking of Erdogan he said that the Turkish Republic today is simply a continuation of the Ottoman Empire that’s his desire he wants to revive it.
KT: Well very interesting that he mentions the Ottoman Empire because you know that is before obviously as a Turk and a modern secular Turkish state. So, the Ottoman Empire was the last caliphate. And remember that when as a Turk took over in the early 1920s he abolished the caliphates. By the way, that’s the whole reason that the Moslem brotherhood was set up four years later in 1928 was to re-establish the caliphate. This is history here Jimmy that we’re seeing.
Erdogan is parking back to the previous era of Turkish
domination the 500 years that Turkey dominated much of Europe as well as the
Middle East. Iraq was part of the Ottoman Empire, Syria and Lebanon part of the
Ottoman Empire and when he says he wants to re-establish Hegemony of the
Ottomans we should take this seriously because it really is a big deal. There’s
a great deal of history there the Turks are well aware of it talking about
Jihad against the Kurds. But also when they talk about the Ottoman Empire they’re
talking about re-establishing territorial control over parts of other countries.
And I would wage you that the first parts of the countries they’re interested
in are the Kurdish areas in Northern Syria and the Kurdish areas in Western
JD: Ken Timmerman reporting on the efforts by Tayyip Erdogan of
Turkey to revive the Old Ottoman Empire.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Tayyip Erdogan has for over three decades had the desire to
revive the Old Ottoman Empire and then become the Pan Islamic leader of the
world. That would mean Erdogan would control the entire Middle East as the
Ottoman Empire did at one time in history.
The Ottoman Empire did that exact thing for about 500
years until defeated by General Allenby of the British military forces in the
Middle East. This was actually the last of the Islamic caliphates in that
region of the world. This scenario is also the same prophetic scenario that can
be found in the Bible with Turkey a major player in the end of times.
38:2 & 6 mention four nations established 4,500 years ago that became
modern day Turkey. That would be Meshek, Tubal, Gomer, and Togarmah. These four
grandson’s of Noah became modern day Turkey. Turkey will actually not be the
leader of this coalition but a key nation in the alignment of nations as
foretold in Ezekiel chapter 38.