JD: I sent you an article just before we went on the air and it was entitled Will World War Three Begin in Outer Space? Now this is to some extent speculation by the author.
KT: Well it’s not pure speculation. What I think is important what people don’t understand is how vulnerable the United States and in fact the entire world communication system is to threats in space. All of our telecommunications are essentially carried out by satellites up in space. Our military protects the United States through satellites in space. The satellites detect launches around the world.
Everything now is up in space. So, the idea that Russia and
China would be cooperating together in anti-satellite technology is extremely
troubling and it’s also very very real. I took part a couple of years ago in a
war game exercise at the US Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania was not
a classified war game so I can speak about it publicly and the whole premise
was exactly this that our grid would be taken out and our satellites taken out
so the United States would be essentially stripped of access to communications,
to data bases, to electricity, to everything. And one of the Brigadier Generals
who made a presentation there referred to an obscure, an obscure television series
called Battleship Galactica. And he said that’s really what we need in this
over computerized an electronic age that we live in. We are so dependent on
electronics today for our communications and for intelligent and everything
else that that has created new vulnerabilities and made it in a way easier to
cripple us then it was before.
JD: Ken Timmerman with some very important details related to
the question will World War Three actually begin in outer space.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Both the question and the answer by Ken Timmerman were very
thought provoking. If we couple Ken’s information with what Jesus Christ said
in the Olivet Discourse that in the last days there would be wars and rumors of
wars, by the way that’s Matthew 24:6 & 7.
The information given by Ken helps us to understand the
times we’re living in. In fact, what Jesus said did not necessarily include a
war in outer space but he was talking about world wide military action.
Speaking of wars and rumors of wars as a indicator of the times in which we’re
living is key to our understanding of those end times that’s according to Jesus