JD: We have been carrying on our website in our top 10 news items a number of articles about the rise of China and basically economically and militarily. Is that a pretty good evaluation of how this is coming on?
BM: Oh it is and in fact last week the Pentagon published its annual report on China. They’ve been publishing this report for decades. And of course as you know Jimmy I’ve been writing about China for decades as well. And as a direct result we look at their major investment in high technology hypersonic weapons. They’re going into space in a robust way they’re beginning early stages of an animist class aircraft carrier. That will be the fourth they’ll have in another 5 to 7 years.
Under President Jinping leadership have every intention of
being the world leader in artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is
going to change our future much like fire changed our ancient forefathers
futures. So it’s really phenomenal what’s going on here. I think to a certain
degree we’re caught over here in our focus too much on domestic issues and
don’t recognize that the world is getting more dangerous everyday.
Now that Vladimir Putin the authoritarian and President
Jinping an authoritarian are working together closely. That’s why I call it an
alliance of evil because you know we fought the Soviet Union in the Cold War
but it was just the Soviet Union. Now you have the robust nature of the Chinese
who of course by 2030 or 2035 are going to be the worlds leading economy. And
of course the Russians own more than half of the nuclear weapons and their
working hand and glove together and they have a large part of real estate of the
world already under their control. These are issues of some consequence that I
think certainly believers need to take into account. And understand this may in
fact be what is going to be played out as you indicated in Revelation and some
will argue it’s part of Ezekiel 38-39 as well.
JD: Colonel Bob Maginnis with the details behind a dangerous
combination of Russia and China in the last days.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Bob’s report is alarming to say the least. Both of these
nations are major players in the end time scenario that is found in Bible
prophecy. Russia will be a player at the beginning of the tribulation period,
that’s Ezekiel 38:2. China at the end of that 7-year period of judgment as
foretold in Revelation 16:12.
This report brings to our attention future events that are
now at the point of happening.