JD: Everybody is blaming the intensity of these hurricanes on global warming. I want to get to a definition of global warming. Define global warming for us.
DD: Well Jimmy another word would be climate change which is several decade change in the average world temperature. It’s pretty sensitive if global warming is occurring you might expect the average temperature of the ocean and the earth to increase by just one or two or three degrees. That’s enough to tip the scale and change of climate.
JD: These hurricanes and their intensity because as I remember this latest one Michael came across the Gulf there in the warm waters brought about the intensity a category 4 almost a category 5 before it hit the Pan Handle of Florida. So then some type of warming especially of the oceans could cause intensity in the storms you’re saying?
DD: Well it could, now we must be careful. A single hurricane cannot be attributed to climate change. However, if the sea temperatures do increase by a degree or two that’s a lot more energy and hurricanes can make use of this.
JD: Would you consider, you’re a Bible student as well, the world winds and I was reading through the Bible and the usage of that phrase it seems some type of a storm is what is being talked about. God actually is responsible for these is he not?
DD: Well certainly. Now world winds spoken of in scripture and different places maybe more localized like the form of a tornado. But there’s lots of names cyclones, world winds, hurricanes all apart of the worlds weather system.
JD: Do you believe that this global warming what they say the scientist are reporting it is?
DD: Well it does appear that the average worldwide temperature has increased by about one degree in the last one hundred years. And really that’s what amazes me when you think the population of the earth has more than doubled that the temperature has not changed very much at all. I think it shows a strength an integrity to the way God set up the whole system.
JD: Scientist Dr. Don DeYoung with insight into global warming.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Dr. Don DeYoung is a scientist but he is also a student of
the Bible. He knows God brought seasons of the year and weather into existence
right after the flood, Genesis 8:22. Nahum 1:3 says that the Lord has his way
in the storm. In the future tribulation period there will be intense ecological
judgment. That’s all to come in the future.