JD: Your brand new movie, I watched the trailer yesterday and that’s a fifteen-minute trailer and now normally a trailer is I guess four or five minutes but man I was glued to it for fifteen-minutes. And it’s somewhat a similar theme to your conference on security is it not, the new movie?
BH: Yes it is. It’s called “Sabotage “ and they can watch the trailer that you watched if they just go sabotagethemovie.com. And the subtitle is the Islamist and Marxist and the useful idiots destroying America from within. That term useful idiots is not calling someone a name it is a historical term used by Lenin. He said, he would use what he called useful idiots, people who prefer sound or sent and that he would promise them things and that they would use their position as journalist, fake news, media, for any information operation, the inteligencia in the education establishment, the brain washed young people all the way from elementary schools to the universities.
So they would use their position to bring about a revolution
thinking they would get some of the power. But historically they were the first
ones to go because when they didn’t get any power they would start screaming
and hollering and then they would be eliminated or hauled off to a camp or a
prison. So they were referred by Lenin as useful idiots. And we have many of
them in the media, fake news, and our educational establishment, inteligencia
and sadly even in the religious establishment.
JD: Brannon Howse with a movie review on his brand new movie
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Brannon Howse has a brand new movie that reveals who Satan
is using to set up a worldwide Satanic Kingdom. The Bible reveals in Daniel 10:13-20
how Satan uses political leaders to accomplish his worldwide plan. II Corinthians
11:13-15 tells us of how Satan’s use of religious leaders for his end time plan
will come into place. That scenario is now in place today.