JD: I know that you have dedicated a great part of your life and your ministry to joining with a team to go out in search of the real Noah’s Ark there in the area of the world that the Bible seems to indicate it would be located. First of all just give us a brief update on how the projects going and then tell me and tell those who are eavesdropping on this conversation why are you dedicating your part of your life to search for this Ark.
RP: Well first let me explain that this is a scientific expedition everyone involved has certain professional credentials or brings certain professional skills to it. The purpose of it of course is to follow through on data that we have. We’ve been there now four years and each time we’ve gotten closer and closer to where we feel the anomalies are. Other information that we have received from our own excavations have led us to think that we at least have Noah’s Ark as a good candidate.
JD: Why are you doing this Randy? What’s driving you?
RP: When I read the book of Genesis I see history. It starts with the history of creation and moves to history of mankind. As you well know the Lord Jesus says as the Days of Noah so shall the days of the coming of the son of man be. We live in an age that is just on the verge of seeing the return of Jesus Christ and we need that wake up call that says judgment is emanate and a discovery like this would I think move some people beyond that point of doubt to a point of decision.
JD: Dr. Randy Price the leader of the team in search of the original Noah’s Ark.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Jesus said in the Olivet Discourse that the time of his
return to the earth would be as it was in the Days of Noah.
Matthew 24:37 is the location of that quote in scripture
from Jesus Christ who warned that at the time of his return to earth it would
be as it was in the Days of Noah not at the time of the flood but the time
after the flood which had the world focused on Babylon which is modern day
Our world today continues to watch war torn Iraq and the
rise of Islamic state and the sectarian fighting in that Middle Eastern nation.
That’s how it was in the Days of Noah when the world was focused on Babylon.
Babylon or modern day Iraq’s future is found in Revelation chapter 18 the world
headquarters for the Antichrist. With that information you must understand we
are quickly approaching that time as it was by the way in the Days of Noah.