JD: In the Northern part of Israel, how Israel and the United States to operate against Iran it’s called Northern Shield. Can you give us any information about it? Is it underway?
DD: It’s definitely under way Jimmy, it began on Tuesday. I’m hearing from my sources that it may last up to a month although it could be much quicker if it gets into a full war or it could be longer if there’s other things added onto it. The Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu went up to Matoula the Northern border. Two tunnels so far have been uncovered. I’m hearing there may be up to eight additional ones. Jimmy, these are extremely sophisticated very expensive. They put a lot of money into these.
The one the Prime Minister took twenty-one diplomats to see
on Thursday in Matoula comes from under a house about a quarter of a mile away.
It’s about a hundred feet under the ground in limestone. So it’s way down
there. And it comes under the international border into Israel. Israel we’re
hearing they’ve known about these tunnels for years actually but they were
waiting until they saw to what extent they were building and what other things
they were going to do with them. So they’ve been monitoring it but they decided
that tensions as high as they are now with the indications of regional war very
very high that they had to take this task on now even though it is winter here
also in Israel. Over a hundred soldiers from the IDF are involved in
dismantling the tunnels from the Israeli’s side.
Now the Prime Minister stated very clearly that we won’t go
across the border into Lebanon unless we have too. And he said, and I’m quoting
now, there’s a reasonable possibility that Israel will have to operate in
Lebanon to neutralize Hezbollah’s attack tunnels.
JD: David Dolan with the details on the Israeli defense force
operation Northern Shield at the Israeli-Lebanese border.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
In 2006 Hezbollah the Iranian surrogate terrorist
organization attack Israel as a part of a three decades old plan for Iran and
Hezbollah to attack the Jewish State of Israel. A plan that the ancient Jewish
prophets wrote about some 2,500 years ago, that’s Psalm 83:7. Those prophecies
actually pre-written history are at the point of being fulfilled in the very
near future. This is evidence that God’s plans for the end times are absolute
and will be fulfilled.