JD: Let's look across the entire world, in Moscow there’s a meeting going on between Iran, Russia, and Turkey, long term talks for peace, some type of peace in Syria. Meanwhile in Warsaw the United States according to Russia are holding up a conference there and beating the war drums. Is that a good evaluation there?
KT: Well the Russians are calling these dueling summits where the Russians have convoked the leaders of Iran, Turkey to Moscow. And the Americans have gotten senior representatives from 60 nations to come to Poland to talk about the Middle East and especially about Iran. So I wouldn’t call it beating the drums of war. The United States, Trump Administration is not talking about going to war with Iran despite what all the alarmist would like us to believe.
We’re talking about again recreating or re-forging this international alliance to increase the pressure on the Iranian regime so the regime will back off from its terrorist operations in Europe and else where around the world, so it will back off from its nuclear weapons programs, so it will back off on the murder against its own opposition domestically and elsewhere. I don’t think the Iranians are going to be affected by it but that’s what’s going on. You have these two different summits this week one in Warsaw and the other in Moscow.
JD: Ken Timmerman giving us the details on two international conferences with a focus on dealing with the Iranian threat in our world today, one held in Warsaw led by the United States and the other in Moscow that was led by Russia.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Ken Timmerman laid out the purpose of the two conferences,
one in Warsaw and the other in Moscow with a focus on the Iranian threat for
our world. Ken reported that Iran will do its own thing whatever these
conferences may decide.
Iran’s activities follow the prophetic scenario that is
found in Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11. Iran will help form the alignment of Islamic
nations who will come to destroy the Jewish State of Israel. However, these
same prophetic passages reveal the truth that God will intervene to protect the
Jewish people from total destruction, that’s God’s plan for the future.