JD: Hamas supposedly sent two rockets into Israel with an attack on Tel Aviv and then early Friday morning the Israeli air force responded attacking the Hamas sites there in the Gaza Strip. What do we know? What’s happening now?
DD: Well Jimmy the latest News is that the Iron Dome anti-rocket system is being deployed this afternoon. Actually it began yesterday throughout Israel. So the reports that this may have been a mistake the idea of his saying that they may not have intentionally fired these rockets is being belied. The same statement was made last August when Be’er Sheva was hit. They found parts of the rocket near the town of Holon that’s very close to the heart of Tel Aviv on Friday afternoon Jimmy. They claim from Iran that they were Iranian made rockets. We know that Hamas and Islamic Jihad both have those types of Iranian produced rockets.
Originally it was stated that the Iran dome had taken out
one of the rockets. Later the IDF said no, one exploded in the air on its own apparently
and the other did land as I said near the city of Holon. Everyone went to their
bomb shelters and this is the first attack on Tel Aviv since 2014. Significant
move Jimmy and as you said a hundred that they said targets were hit in Gaza
afterwards including some Hamas naval sites, some rocket launching sites in the
North and a underground missile factory was hit. So Hamas was put back a bit in
its war preparations and as a result they canceled the Friday riots that go on
pretty much every Friday. Along the Gaza border fence they canceled that. The
situation was fairly calm after the 12 hours of action between the time of the
rockets hitting and Israel’s finial airstrikes on Friday morning.
JD: David Dolan with an update on the rocket attack on Tel Aviv
by Hamas.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
This Hamas rocket attack on Tel Aviv, the first since 2014
is a dangerous move by Hamas. Hamas seems ready to ratchet up their missile and
rocket attacks on the Jewish State for the purpose of destroying Israel in
order to set up a Palestinian state called Palestine. Ancient Jewish prophets foretold
this scenario some 2,500 years ago as mentioned in the book of Malachi 1,
Ezekiel 35 and the little book of Obadiah verses 15-18.
This Hamas action is a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible
prophecy, Bible prophecy that could well be fulfilled very soon.