JD: I read an interesting article and passed it along to you. I want to see what your thoughts are that Iran is preparing to go to war with Israel. We hear that all the time, is this more serious now?
KT: I think it is more serious. They have been building up to this for a number of years but look at what they’re doing piece by piece by piece. This is a long chess game. The Iranians remember invented the game of chess and they are clearly playing chess in both Syria and in Lebanon. They have now succeeded in essentially turning Syria just as they have done with Lebanon into a vassal state, a state which depends uniquely on Iran for its very survival. They have subordinated the Syrian military to their control.
The Revolutionary Guards Quds force Qasem Soleimani controls
both Syria and Lebanon and to a great degree Iraq. So just this past week you’ve
seen a meeting of the military commanders, the top military officers of Syria,
Iraq and Iran meeting together in Syria but at a meeting that was convened by
the Iranians. By the Iranians to coordinate their military operations ensure
that the land bridge from Tehran right up to Israel’s border that passes
through Iraq into Syria is formally opened. They’re talking about opening the
border crossing just coincidently just a couple of miles away from that border
crossing is where that final battle to defeat ISIS took place this week. So now
with ISIS gone Iran is ready with Iraq and Syria to formally open that road to
Israel’s border that strategic land bridge. So they are working now on the
ground physically to open that border at Alkyne the one the US wants to keep
close as you mentioned so they can move large numbers of troops and weapons
directly on the ground from Iran through Iraq into Syria and right up to the
Israeli border.
JD: Ken Timmerman with the details on the Iranian sponsored
trilateral military meetings in Damascus as these nations prepare for war with
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Ken Timmermans report allows us to see how close the
alignment of Islamic nations may well be as they prepare a coalition for war
against Israel. The nations mentioned Iran, Iraq, Syria and Israel are all in
the prophetic passages of the Bible that reveal to us how this alignment will
come together to attack the Jewish state. All of this information found in the
book of Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11 and Psalm 83; prophecy that will be fulfilled.