JD: David, President Trump made an unexpected visit to David Platts church McLean Bible Church in the after math of the Virginia Beach shooting and as could be predicted controversy erupted.
DJ: And as I’m sure our listeners know on May 31 a disgruntled employ opened fire in a municipal building in Virginia Beach, Virginia and killed 11 government employees and an outside contractor. On Sunday President Trump visited McLean Bible Church as you noted and it was to pray for the victims families and colleagues of the shooting victims. Like clockwork the President’s critics took him to task for visiting this evangelical church and being involved with prayer. And then the Pastor David Platt took him to task for praying for the President. I would say you could characterize it, it’s all manufactured outraged centered around what they say is a mixing of religion and politics which it really isn’t at all.
JD: We are completely Biblical to both submit to those in higher authority and actually to pray for them.
DJ: Romans 13 tells us that we should submit to those in authority and government. Romans 13:1 & 2 says this, let every soul be subject to the governing authorities for there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exists are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resist the ordinance of God. So that’s pretty powerful. And then in I Timothy 2 we read this, therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers and inter sessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for kings and all who are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and reverence for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
So I would say that David Platt was simply fulfilling his
role as a Shepherd of local fellowship of believers in obeying the word of God
and setting an example even for those who you may not agree with who are in
positions of authority and leadership.
JD: David James with Bible in hand explaining the attack on a
pastor who prayed for President Trump when the President visited his church.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Man can be so critical of others that sometimes it will
result in that individual becoming totally unbiblical. Please remember that we
are told to pray for those in higher authority. For example President Trump,
even if you don’t like the President. That exhortation is found in I Timothy
2:1-4. As we do that which God has told us to do God will take charge of any
and all in higher authority, that’s Revelation 17:17.