JD: What was the international prayer breakfast? Who participated and what did you actually do?
SR: Jimmy it was actually the third annual Jerusalem prayer breakfast. That’s the name of it Jerusalem prayer breakfast. It is an event sanctioned by the Israeli Knesset and they did that over three years ago. It is chaired by a member of Parliament Robert Ilatov and Vice chair of this breakfast former Congress woman Michele Bachmann. Both of them have great interest in Israel.
The purpose of it is to try to convene and bring together
Christians from around the world and Jews with the purpose of praying for the
peace of Jerusalem that’s the purpose. This was the third year and it was a
momentous year. There were actually 65 nations represented. Not all of those
nations had a former governmental official but many did. I can think of several
right off Uganda the ministry of finance from Uganda was there, the Ambassador
from Estonia, Guatemala, Brazil. There was a delegation of about 50 from South
Korea most of those were pastors but there were some government officials as
well so they were mingled all throughout all of that.
I just happened to be able to represent the American’s
Pastor’s Network as well as being in office before contributed to that I believe.
But it was a composite of a wide number of people from these various nations
all together at this breakfast. It was about 700 were in attendance, about 450
last year and about 200 or 300 the first year. So it has grown remarkably.
Jimmy I just have to say it was a most unusual event that was just truly all
inspiring as I saw people from around the world coming who have a heart for
Israel and who are excited about what they see God doing here.
JD: Sam Rohrer who is the President of the American Pastor’s
Network with the details on the recently held Jerusalem prayer breakfast.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
What an opportunity Sam had to be invited by the Israeli
Knesset to attend the third annual Jerusalem prayer breakfast. This is an event
that is called for in the Bible. Psalm 122:6 says pray for the peace of
Jerusalem. By the way that will only happen when the Messiah Jesus Christ comes
back and sets up a true peace in His kingdom. I Timothy 2:1-4 also tells us to
pray for those who are in higher authority for example the Prime Minister of
Israel. Both of these prayers look to the future of the Jewish state.