JD: David let me get right under way with everything that’s happening between the United States and Iran. Iran is focused really on the West Bank or Judea and Samaria and Israel. Iran is determined to arm the Palestinians there in the West Bank. What do we know?
DD: Well Jimmy we had on Friday again rioting in the Gaza Strip 6,000 or so Palestinians some of them hurling objects at Israeli soldiers across the fence and incendiary devices, the same sort of thing that’s been going on. But of course when it concerns Iran our concern is the missiles. The rockets and missiles that they’re supplying to the Palestinians; we talked about that last week. We’ve had conformation from Palestinian leaders that Iranian made missiles were used in the last barrage of nearly 700 rockets a few weeks ago upon Israeli cities and town which a few people were killed and other wounded.
JD: David Dolan with details on the arming of terrorist groups
in and around Israel and what looks like preparations for a Middle East war.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
War preparations are at a high pace as Iran continues to arm
its proxy terrorist groups in and around the Jewish state of Israel. As Iran
arms Hamas in Israel and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon at Israel’s northern
border these radical terrorist groups join Iran to wipe Israel off the face of
the earth. The Iranians have been using that phrase for years now and it was
foretold in Psalm 83:4.
Present day activities seem to be setting the stage for
Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.