JD: For years Jews have been preparing.
DD: When I first went to Israel in 1980 which is well over 30 years, well almost 40 years ago now actually there was already talk of it at least and people expressing their desire to one day see the Temple rebuilt. As the years have gone on the actual activities to make that happen have increased substantially. We now have a sitting Sanhedrin which by the way Jimmy this evening in Jerusalem they’re lighting the final candle of Hanukkah and they have representatives of 70 different righteous nations there. They’re going to do it on Mt. Zion. They’re proclaiming that judgment is coming. The 70 righteous nations as they put it are being opposed by the 70 dark nations that are opposing righteousness on Earth and then a showdown with Edom is coming. And basically they’re predicting conflict ahead.
The Sanhedrin has been reconstituted. We have all the
preparations. We have red heifers being produced in purity. The oil by the way
in the menorah that’s being lit is Temple ready and has been purified
according to the Biblical presets so that it could be used in a new Temple at any
moment actually. We’ve talked about the fact that Jews are praying up on the
Temple Mount in record numbers. The status quo agreement as it’s called between
Israel and Jordan was that Israel would be overall in control of the Temple
Mount since 67 but Islam would still reign supreme on it but that’s been
eroding and of course clashing is taking place. It’s many indications that
something big is happening. And of course the average Israeli is just watching. But Orthodox
Jews in particular very eager to see a temple return to their holiest site on
earth. And as I’ve said the preparations are ongoing.
JD: David Dolan with details on the status of the third Temple
being rebuilt on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
David Dolan’s report detailed for us the Jewish status on
the rebuilding of a Temple in Jerusalem. The preparations to rebuild a temple
on the Temple Mount have been on going for almost now 40 years.
The Bible does call for a temple on the Temple Mount in
fact, two Temples in the future. The Messiah’s Temple which will be in the
kingdom period, Zechariah 6:12 & 13 will be built by Jesus. But the
Tribulation Temple the next Temple to be built will be built by Orthodox Jews
and is called for in the prophetic passages of God’s word, that’s Daniel 9:27,
Matthew 24:15 and Revelation 11:1 & 2.