Jimmy DeYoung's daily report on current events as they set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
July 29, 2011
An Israeli military leader says an American trained and equipped Palestinian military could attack Israel
This Palestinian military force was trained in Jordan by US General Keith Dayton and the Israeli military is preparing for a potential confrontation. US General Dayton has expressed belief that this Palestinian army would likely attack the Jewish state in the event that Israel does not give in to the demands of the world leaders for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The report of the Israeli military preparing for a confrontation with an American trained and equipped Palestinian army is a precursor to the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
The IDF is now training for the potential battle that may occur if the Israeli government rejects the demands of the US and EU to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. US General Keith Dayton, the military trainer for this Palestinian army, said if Israel does not surrender Judea and Samaria to the Palestinians within the next two years, this Palestinian military force could turn their guns on the Israelis. This scenario is, as I said, the lead up to what Bible prophecy says will unfold in the last days.
Malachi said that the Edomites, the Palestinians of today, would rebuild and become a force in the Middle East, Malachi 1. Ezekiel wrote that when the Palestinians become a major force, they will kill the Jews, Ezekiel 35:5 and then take the land of the Jewish people, Ezekiel 35:10. Obadiah revealed in his prophecy that the Edomites, Palestinians of today, would become drunk with power and try to wipe out the Jews only to be defeated, Obadiah 15-18.
The Israeli military preparing for a conflict with a Palestinian army is indeed a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
July 28, 2011
A Dutch political leader says that Jordan should change its name to Palestine
Wilders believes that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not a conflict over territory but rather an ideological battle between the mentality of the liberated West and the ideology of Islamic barbarism.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The statement by a Dutch political leader that Jordan should change its name to Palestine is actually very close to what the Bible says about this piece of real estate.
There has been a number of Israeli political leaders who have suggested that there is a Palestinian state and it is the state of Jordan. The facts are that over 2/3 of Jordan's population is Palestinian and if Jordan was a true democracy and not a monarchy, the Palestinians would indeed have a state in our world. This report thus far has been based upon political reality, but the past and the prophetic of this issue does say that Jordan should be Palestine
In Genesis 36, God sent Esau to Mount Seir which was at that time, the lower third of what we know as modern day Jordan. In Biblical times, God changed the name of this area from Mount Seir to Edom and God did this after He changed the name of Esau to Edom. As you trace through the Bible the history of Esau who was Jacob's twin brother, up and until today you will see that Esau's descendants are indeed the Palestinian people.
God told Rebbecca, the mother of Jacob and Esau before they were born as they struggled in her womb, that the two brothers would become two nations, Genesis 25:23. Jacob, of course, became the nation of Israel and Esau, the Palestinian people of today. God gave Esau and his descendants, the Palestinian people, at least a portion of modern day Jordan, Genesis 36:8.
The Dutch politician is pretty much on target. Jordan should be called Palestine, the homeland for the Palestinian people who are key players in the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
July 27, 2011
Radio personality Glenn Beck has compared the victims of a Norwegian youth camp massacre to the Hitler Youth of the days of WWII

In his national radio broadcast, radio personality Glenn Beck set off a firestorm of criticism when he compared the Norway mass murder victims to the Hitler Youth, the paramilitary organization of Hitler's Nazi party comprised of teens and preteens that existed during WWII.
At least 85 people, some as young as 16 years of age, were killed at this youth camp in Norway by the alleged sniper who also set off a massive bomb in the center of Oslow, Norway, a terrorist attack that had aimed to kill the Norwegian prime minister.
A former press secretary for Norway's prime minister said that Glenn Beck's comments about these innocent victims of this camp massacre were ignorant, incorrect and extremely hurtful.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The comments by radio personality Glenn Beck comparing the victims of a mass murder in Norway to Hitler Youth is only a reminder of what will happen in the future according to Bible prophecy.
The Norwegian official who said that Glenn Beck's comparison of the Hitler Youth movement of WWII to the innocent victims of a massacre at a youth camp in Norway was not only ignorant, but it was also incorrect. The official said that the Norwegian youth were the exact opposite of what the Hitler Youth was all about. I am not here to condemn or to defend Glenn Beck; however, I do believe that his comments bring back to our attention a terrible time to come for the Jewish people who were the focus of the Hitler Youth.
Today in our world, there are elements of society who are training their youth to hate the Jewish people and to prepare to do what they can to eliminate the state of Israel and to annihilate the Jewish people. Ancient Jewish prophets wrote of a time of Jacob's Trouble, Jeremiah 30:7 and of a time when two out of every three Jewish people will be killed, Zechariah 13:8. In fact, Satan will lead evil angelic forces to eliminate all Jews, Revelation 12:13-17.
The Nazi organization known as the Hitler youth were indeed part of a former Holocaust, but the worst holocaust is yet to come.
July 26, 2011
The Iranian high court has told an Iranian pastor to denounce Christianity and go back to Islam or be put to death

Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani was sentenced to death by hanging several years ago after he was arrested for objecting to Islamic education for his Christian children on a charge of apostasy, a sentence the pastor appealed to Iran's Supreme Court which handed down the latest verdict, "Choose Islam or die".
Iran's constitution declares that the official religion of Iran is Islam but adds that other Islamic denominations are to be accorded full respect and it recognizes Christianity as a protected religious minority.
There are reports coming out of Iran that this Christian pastor will be questioned again then to state whether he is a Muslim, then to be released or a Christian that would lead to his execution.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Iran's decision to execute a Christian pastor who converted from Islam is a precursor to what Bible prophecy reveals will happen in the last days.
The recent report coming out of Iran that the Iranian Supreme Court had ruled in favor of the state and will allow for the execution of a Christian pastor who will not denounce Christianity has shocked the world. The supreme court in Iran said they will ask one question, "Are you a Muslim" if his reply is yes, the pastor will be released; however, if he says he is a Christian, then he will be executed. Death by hanging for Muslim converts to Christianity has been a major weapon by the Islamic world to keep control of their Muslim worshipers and has been so down through the ages.
The publicity of this sentence for a Christian pastor has brought to light the extent to which a false religion will go to stop defections from their Islamic faith. In a number of prophetic passages, one can find the warnings of the times ahead when these executions of believers in Jesus will be commonplace. Revelation 6:9 tells of the slaughter of believers during the seven years of terrible trouble called the Tribulation. Revelation 20:4 reveals how many in the Tribulation Period will be beheaded for their faith.
The death sentence given to the Iranian pastor is indeed evidence of a soon coming time when Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
July 25, 2011
A Palestinian official says that the Bible is totally irrelevant in determining a Jewish persons right to live in his ancient homeland, Israel
The Palestinian Authority has claimed that Jews have stolen the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and Rachel's Tomb near Bethlehem and many other Jewish holy sites which have a Biblical history dating back over 4000 years.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The Palestinian official who claims that the Bible has no authority in the decision process to determine who lives in Judea and Samaria or any other part of Israel is absolutely wrong that is according to Bible prophecy.
Dr. Hussein Ibish, senior fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, makes a claim that contradicts the Bible when he said recently that the decision makers working to determine who has a right to live in the Biblical lands of Judea and Samaria should not use the Bible in this process. Ibish says the Bible is an ancient Jewish holy book that is irrelevant to the discussions on the ownership of these ancient Biblical lands even though the Bible has an undeniable record of 4000 years of Jewish history in the land that God gave to the Jewish people.
In Leviticus 25:23, Moses wrote, directed by God, that the land in question was actually His land, God's land, never to be sold or given away, and it says that God gave to the Jews the responsibility as caretakers of His land. Though the Jews did not control this land for almost 2000 years, God had Ezekiel, the ancient Jewish prophet, to write that He, God, would give the land to the Jews when they returned to the land of their forefathers in the end of times (Ezekiel 34:14, 36:10-11). In fact, the Lord said that He did not make this promise and fulfill it because of the Jews, but because He, the Lord did this for His holy namesake (Ezekiel 36:22).
The Palestinians can continue to claim their ownership of a land promised to the Jewish people and even use an armed struggle in order to take the land from the Jews but in the end, the Jewish people will get this land. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
July 22, 2011
Glenn Beck, the radio and television personality, wants everybody to call him a "Jew"
This annual gathering of what is called Christian Zionist also heard the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu say that the enemies of the Jewish state are the enemies of Christians as well.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A so-called Christian leader making the statement that he is a Jew in order to protect the Jewish people may be honorable but it is not Biblically correct and it does cloud the issue of Bible prophecy.
Radio and television personality Glenn Beck told a gathering of Christians who stand with the Jewish state of Israel against the world that he wants people to call him a Jew in order to protect the Jewish people. Beck's thought was that if we're all Jewish then the enemies of the Jewish people cannot kill all of us and must rethink their strategy. This is excellent rhetoric especially to a group of Christian Zionists however, it is not Biblically correct.
When I say that it is not Biblically correct, I'm not trying to be picky. It does matter what the Bible says about these issues. There is a difference in God's plan for the Jewish people and Christians and we must recognize that plan from the scriptures. Christians must protect the Jewish people (Genesis 12:3) but we must not stand with the secular humanistic Israeli government. No human government is or will ever do all that the Lord wants them to do. However, God does use these governments to accomplish His will (Revelation 17:17). The Jewish people will be protected not by humankind or human governments but by the Lord's intervention (Ezekiel 38:18 - 39:6) and there will even be angelic protection as well (Daniel 12:1). As Christians, we have a responsibility to the Jewish people to present to them the truth of the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16).
God's plan and protection for the Jewish people will be played out. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
July 21, 2011
Many Americans expect Jesus to return to Earth by 2050
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
According to the latest survey many Americans expect Jesus Christ to return to the earth within the next 40 years which is confirmed by Bible prophecy.
The latest Pew Research Center poll indicates a large number of Americans believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth and that it could happen within the next 40 years. If the numbers in the survey results are correct, that means millions of Americans do believe what Jesus had to say before He left the earth almost 2000 years ago - that was that He would return.
Though this survey is not a vote on whether Jesus will return or not, those who believe that He will are in alignment with what Bible prophecy says except that it may be sooner than 2050. In fact, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ could happen in just 7 years because the second coming scenario found in Bible prophecy reveals that a 7 year time of judgment will precede the Lord's return to earth. That 7 years, the Tribulation period, will be recognized by events foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets. For example, the Jews will return to their homeland, Middle Eastern nations will align themselves against Israel, while at the same time there will be an effort to bring about peace in the Middle East, and talk and preparations to build a temple in Jerusalem will also be very prevalent (Ezekiel 37 - 46).
The next event is the Rapture when Jesus Christ calls all Christians into heaven before worldwide judgment breaks out and that could happen today because Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
July 20, 2011
The Israeli government decides to tell the truth about the "West Bank"

The Deputy Foreign Minister of the Israeli government, Danny Ayalon has been selected to star in a brand new video production, "The Truth About the West Bank" in which he presents a historic narrative of the facts as they relate to the portion of Israel known as the West Bank and he uses YouTube to call for viewers to stop calling the West Bank or Judea and Samaria, this area's biblical name, to stop calling the area occupied territories.
Ayalon appears in this six minute video and begins by tackling the very simple question of from whom did Israel conquer the West Bank? The Israeli deputy foreign minister says that Israel's presence in the West Bank is the result of a war of self defense and the West Bank should not be called "Occupied Territories" but instead they should be termed, "Disputed Territories".
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A new YouTube video starring the deputy foreign minister of Israel does indeed tell the truth about the West Bank, that is according to Bible prophecy.
Danny Ayalon, the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Israeli government, is the star of a new YouTube video that takes on the task of telling the truth about a portion of Israel, referred to as the West Bank which is a derogatory term. The biblical term for this piece of real estate located to the West of the Jordan River is Judea and Samaria and it is a very controversial location that is claimed by the Palestinians who want this land for their Palestinian state. The YouTube video shows evidence that the Israelis won the land in a defensive war in 1967 and even the UN says it is not occupied, but disputed territory.
According to the facts and the Bible, Ayalon is telling the truth with this caveat, the area in biblical terms, Judea and Samaria, is not really even disputed, it belongs to the Jews because it is God's land (Leviticus 25:23) and God has given it to the Jewish people. In Ezekiel 36, the Lord said the land of Judea and Samaria, or the West Bank as some refer to it, will be given to the Jews by God when they return to their homeland in the last days, and that would be our day, today.
The truth is that God has given this land, Judea and Samaria to the Jews, and His promises and prophecies will be fulfilled.
July 19, 2011
A British astronomer says that the end of the world as we know it could happen at any time

The British astronomer Chris Impey says astronomical intruders could provide a serious threat to our world as we know it and could cause global earthquakes, mile high tidal waves and the immediate killing of all large land animals.
The astronomer says that the "big one" as he described such an astronomical event happens every 100 million years which Impey said sounds like a safe buffer but he says there is good evidence that the next "big one" could happen at any time which has astronomers setting up ground based telescopes that scan the skies in search of some type of astronomical intruder.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The report from a British astronomer who says the end of the world is near is pretty much on target according to Bible prophecy.
The British astronomer Chris Impey who believes that astronomical intruders may be about to alter our world as we know it today and bring the world to an end has an interesting and informative paper that discusses what many have talked about for centuries. Although such an astronomical invasion happens only every 100 million years according to the astronomer, he still believes the next such event is about to happen.
Any student of Bible prophecy that has an understanding of the end of time events as revealed in the book of Revelation knows that the end of the world is at least 1,007 years into the future.
John, who received the message of his prophecy in Revelation from Jesus Christ, revealed that the next main event in Bible prophecy to be fulfilled will be the Rapture of the Church, Revelation 4:1. Revelation 4-19 is 16 chapters of detailed information about that seven year Tribulation Period that follows the Rapture. At the end of that seven years of tribulation, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will return to the earth to defeat all of His enemies, Revelation 19, and He then will setup His Kingdom for 1,000 years, Revelation 20:4-6.
That Kingdom is not now in place. It will be in place when Jesus returns to Jerusalem to build His Temple where He will rule and reign for that 1,000 years and then forever into eternity future.
July 18, 2011
The president of the EU says that religion must play a role in the operation of the European political structure
Even before the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty consultations were taking place and recently more than two dozen Christian, Jewish, and Moslem leaders met with the presidents of the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the leadership of the 27 member states that is called the European Council.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A clause in the Lisbon Treaty that calls for religious influence on the direction of the EU is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
With the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty the 27 member states of the EU were able to elect a president that could lead this major political structure into the future. A clause in the treaty, Article 17, actually calls for religion to have a role in the direction that the EU and its leadership will take in our world today. EU leaders have met with and will continue to meet with religious leaders for their input in the operation of the EU and its role in global governance.
This report is, as I stated, a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days. The prophets Daniel and John both wrote of the revival of the Old Roman Empire and its role in the last days. Daniel revealed in Daniel 7:7 that the ten horns represent the Revived Roman Empire and John in Revelation 17:12 also speaking of the ten horns said they will come to power in the last days. A closer study of the ten horns indicates that the EU is at least the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire. Revelation 17 details the fact that religion, the false church, that religion is a major player in the Revived Roman Empire during the seven year Tribulation period.
A clause in the Lisbon Treaty calling for a religious influence in the operation of the EU is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
July 15, 2011
Palestinian leaders push ahead to declare unilaterally a Palestinian state at the UN even with the threat of a Middle East war
Israel has said they will reject a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state at the United Nations and fear that the Palestinians will then take to the streets which could very well break out into a full fledged war that could spread across the entire region.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Middle East will not come any closer to resolution with a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state but instead it will lead to war - that is according to Bible prophecy.
Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority, has determined that there will be a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state at the General Assembly of the United Nations and refuses to return to the negotiating table with the Israelis to come to some type of an agreement. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says he is ready to continue the peace process with the Palestinians if Mahmoud Abbas will only recognize the right of the Jews to have a state in the Middle East. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the focus of world leaders and terrorist organizations and both claim that there must be a resolution to the conflict before there can be peace in the Middle East.
According to the ancient Jewish prophets, resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will only come when the Messiah Jesus Christ returns to Earth. The prophet Ezekiel stated that the descendants of Esau, the Palestinian people today, will continue to kill Jews and take their God given land (Ezekiel 35). Malachi reveals that the Palestinians will return to rebuild but God will call their borders the "borders of wickedness" (Malachi 1). Obadiah foretold of how when Jesus comes, the Jews will defeat the Palestinians and Esau's descendants will be as if they had never been a people (Obadiah 15-18). I must remind you that as you watch this Israeli-Palestinian conflict continue, Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.
July 14, 2011
Churches around the world are turning against the Jewish state of Israel
The attendees at the international conference of the World Council of Churches even legitimized terrorism as a means of resistance to the evil Jewish occupation calling it a Christian right and duty to eliminate the Jewish state.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The declaration by 590 million churchgoers that terrorism should be used in their efforts to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel is a precursor to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
The World Council of Churches, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, held an international conference recently where the attendees, representing around 590 million worshipers, said that the use of terrorism is a legitimate means to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel from the Middle East. This declaration speaks of the theology of these thousands of churches around the world and it has been described as "Replacement Theology". Replacement Theology basically states that God has replaced his program for the Jewish people with the church. They believe that because the Jews rejected Jesus at His First Coming, God has stopped His plans for the Jews and has given all of these promises to the Church. Replacement Theology is not only non-Biblical, but it is a dangerous doctrine that will lead to disaster.
God's program for the Jewish people has not been cancelled unless God is a liar, which He is not. God gave the Jewish people 4 covenants, unconditional promises that will be fulfilled in the future, and in fact, forever. Genesis 15 is the Abrahamic Covenant that says there will always be a Jewish nation with a piece of real estate in the Middle East according to the Land Covenant in Deuteronomy 30. The Davidic Covenant in II Samuel 7 and the New Covenant, Jeremiah 31, states that the Messiah Jesus Christ will give the Jewish people the city of Jerusalem and a temple in the city for their kingdom which is eternal.
Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
July 13, 2011
Middle East archaeologists are hoping to save the ruins of the Biblical tower of Babel

Following the years of devastation under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and the ensuing American invasion of Iraq archaeologists are beginning to work on ancient Babylonian sites and hope to save the ruins of the biblical Tower of Babylon and learn how it was built before it crumbled under the weight of confusion.
As a first step, experts are working on a plan to prevent further deterioration of the mud-bricked ruins which were damaged by Saddam's personal building projects.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The meticulous work by archaeologists to preserve the mud-bricked Tower of Babel in Iraq is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
For several decades, the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein worked to restore the site of biblical Babylon which included the mud-bricked building of the Tower of Babel. Since the war torn nation of Iraq is working to restore its country to the glory days of this Middle Eastern state in many areas, they have arranged for archaeologists to work to save the ruins of the ancient biblical site.
The Bible records the destruction of the Tower of Babel when the people of the world at that time who only spoke one language were confronted by a heavenly visitor and the tower was destroyed by the confusion of one language becoming many languages, Genesis 11. This account of Babylon's beginnings found in Genesis 11 is only the start of a significant history for this city. Babylon is where the Jews were held captive for 70 years, II Chronicles 36. Babylon was the city where Alexander the Great became the leader of the known world. Babylon is also the city where the Apostle Peter traveled to start a church to reach that part of the world, I Peter 5:13. Babylon will also be the headquarters for a world economic center and its leader, the Antichrist, Revelation 18. Babylon is the city that will be destroyed in one hour, Revelation 18:10, 17, 19.
This will be a total destruction and forever, Isaiah 13,14, Jeremiah 50, 51, and Revelation 16:17-21.
Archaeologists working to preserve the city of Babylon is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
July 12, 2011
The PM of Canada says Israel is the only nation in the world whose very existence is under attack

Speaking at the Antisemitism Conference in Ottawa, ON, the prime minister of Canada said the Jewish nation of Israel is the only nation of the world whose very existence is under attack and is consistently and conspicuously singed out for condemnation.
PM Harper said that history shows the world and the ideology of the anti-Israel mob tells the world that those who threaten the existence of the Jewish people are a threat to all of the world. The prime minister said that we should not forget that there are those who choose evil and would launch another Holocaust if left unchecked.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The warning from the Canadian prime minister that there is evil in this world that, if left unchecked, would launch another Holocaust is a page out of Bible prophecy.
Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper in a speech to an Antisemitism conference in Canada warned the world that Israel is the only nation in the world whose very existence is under attack. The prime minister said that evil in our world today is ready to launch another Holocaust, ready to kill Jews and destroy the Jewish state. Harper's word of warning about Antisemitism is not being heard by much of the world today and this ideology that wants Jews dead will indeed lead to another Holocaust.
I make that statement based upon the prophetic word that can be found in the Bible. Both Heaven and earth will be the scene for an attack on the Jews, not only in Israel, but around the world. Revelation 12 speaks of evil angels being thrown out of Heaven and when they come to the earth, they will go forth to kill all of the Jews, Revelation 12:7-17. Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83 foretold of an alignment of nations who will, in the last days, endeavor to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Zechariah, an ancient Jewish prophet, says that two out of every three Jews will be killed in the future, Zechariah 13:8.
Canadian PM Harper's warning is real and the threat of a future Holocaust is real as well.
July 11, 2011
Saudi Arabia has declared war against the Islamic terror group al Qaeda
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
It is ironic that the founding nation for the Islamic faith, Saudi Arabia, has now called for the end of the Islamic jihadist group al Qaeda especially in light of the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
The king of Saudi Arabia and and many of his family members are under the threat of death by the radical Islamic terror organization al Qaeda and basically because King Abdullah has become an atheist according to the al Qaeda leaders. Radical Islam has become more and more a threat to Arab leaders in the Middle East mainly because they are perceived to be secular and are even moving away from the Islamic faith and becoming atheists. Ironically, Saudi Arabia has been the home base and the financial provider for many of the most radical terror organizations including the group that brought down the twin towers on 9-11. It is also ironic that the Islamic faith was founded by Mohammad in the 7th century in Arabia and at that time Mohammad said that he was a direct descendant to Ishmael, the first son of the patriarch Abraham.
The Biblical record does reveal that Ishmael did go to start one nation in the place that we know today as Saudi Arabia (Genesis 25:18, 17:20). Ishmael did not father the Arab world according to Genesis 10:6-10 but he did father the Islamic faith according to its prophet. Ultimately Saudi Arabia will be radicalized and play a key role in the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy - prophecy that will indeed be fulfilled.
July 08, 2011
There are calls in Israel for a civil war between mainline Israelis and the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria
Israel's left wing of the body politic believes that civil wars are globally accepted, they happen everywhere, and that they are good for a nation as the war straightens out the power imbalance between the sides.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The potential for a civil war among the Jews in Israel is not only a viable political possibility but a prophetic certainty as well - that is according to Bible prophecy.
The left wing of the body politic of Israel has become very outspoken in the call for a civil war focused on the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria. This issue of the Jewish settlements has been the major obstacle to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict according to the United States, the United Nations, and the European Union.
The Palestinian Authority said that if the Israelis would withdraw almost 500,000 Jews from the territories of Judea and Samaria, there could be peace between the two parties. The Jewish settlers have long contended that they are not the obstacle to peace but instead, their presence in the territories is an assurance of a lasting peace.
Bible prophecy seems to agree in that it states a Jewish presence in all of Israel will be the Lord's plan for true peace in the future when the Messiah rules and reigns in Jerusalem from a piece of real estate, the Temple Mount, which is actually part of Judea and Samaria (Zechariah 6:12-13). This potential for civil war is actually a part of a prophetic scenario for the last days as well when the prophecy of Ezekiel 37 :15-23, the prophecy of the two Jewish states in Israel will be fulfilled.
The thought of Jews fighting Jews in their God given land is an issue that no one really wants to think about - but the Bible says, it will happen. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
July 07, 2011
Millions of Africans are fighting for survival from hunger
Africans from Somalia, desperate for food, are overrunning the world's largest refugee camp located in Kenya as 10,000 new refugees per week flee violence and hunger in their country resulting in a human tragedy of unimaginable proportions.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With millions of Africans fighting for their very survival from violence and hunger, the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The United Nations has recently released a report that food prices across the world have risen to an all time record high which is part of the problem for the massive hunger that has hit the triangle in Africa where Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia all come together. The reports of millions of Africans fighting for their own survival from hunger are almost unbelievable but may not even tell the whole story.
This area of Africa has long been a major drought area causing both livestock and vegetation to be limited in its production of food stuffs in order to be able to feed people. There are official government reports that the situation is not getting better but instead getting worse and headed for a major human tragedy.
This present scenario is actually a precursor to what Bible prophecy calls for in the end of times. Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse - Matthew 24, told His disciples that hunger and its increase around the world was one of the signs of His Second Coming to Earth. Remember His Second Coming follows 7 years of Tribulation which is horrific judgment on the Earth, which by the way, follows the Rapture of the Church.
The book of Revelation reveals that hunger and famine will increase during this Tribulation period with farmland being burned up, the waters of the Earth being contaminated, and war running rampant across the Earth (Revelation 6:5-6, 8:3-9, 16:19).
What we see happening in the Triangle of Africa today is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled in a future tomorrow that may well be very soon.
July 06, 2011
Two global strategists, both advisors to President Obama, call for the United States to break ties with Israel

George Friedman, the publisher of Stratfor, a newsletter on strategic global planning, in his most recent book, "The Next Decade" has called for the Obama administration to have the United States to break ties with its main Middle East ally Israel, and increase its cooperation with the Islamic world especially Iran and Pakistan. Friedman's comments are in concert with a former consultant to President Obama, Tony Cordsman, who argues that the United States strategic alliance with Israel was harming Washington's interests in the Middle East.
Friedman said that Washington has been in a confrontation with the Islamic world, which consists of 1 billion people, and a decline in US support for Israel was vital for what he termed the survival of the United States empire.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Strategic global planners calling for the United States to break ties with Israel will not save the United States empire as they believe but will do the opposite according to Bible prophecy.
George Friedman and Tony Cordsman, both not household names, but major players in United States strategic planning have called for the Obama administration to reorder its foreign policy in the Middle East and begin by breaking ties with Israel, America's long time strategic partner in that region. In essence, both men believe that the United States confrontation with the Moslem world, because of America's war with Al Qaeda, has brought harm to the American empire's ability to survive over the next decade. Friedman, in his recent book "The Next Decade" says that the United States must develop a greater partnership with Iran and Pakistan instead of the Jewish state of Israel.
The ancient Jewish prophets wrote 2500 years ago that God would destroy those Middle East nations that try and eliminate Israel from the face of the earth - that is found in Ezekiel 38 and 39 where both Iran and Pakistan are mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5 as Persia. God told Abraham 4000 years ago in Genesis 12:1-3 that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed - that principle is still applicable today. Since the United States is not found in Bible prophecy, one can conclude that America will not be a major factor before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.
If America takes the advice of strategic global planners over the Bible they can be assured that God will deal with them. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
July 05, 2011
Christians are under attack in the Middle East and are being killed because of their faith

A number of Christian communities and churches in the Middle East have been the target of attacks by radical Islamist terrorists with many of the attacks deadly and scores of Middle Eastern Christians have been killed for no other reason than that they are Christians. These attacks are widespread throughout the Middle East, however the Christian communities in Iraq and Egypt are the main focus of these horrific attacks with both nations reporting that these attacks have taken place against churches during weekly services with many Christian worshipers being killed.
Radical Islamist websites have been circulating lists of churches with instructions on how to attack them with one al Qaeda video calling for the jihadist to blow the church up at a time when they are packed with worshipers.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A campaign to attack the Christian communities and churches in the Middle East by radical Islamists is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.
The Christian communities and churches in both Iraq and Egypt have come under attack by radical Islamists who are calling for the destruction of the cross in their internet communications to followers of the Muslim faith. The call in videos produced by al Qaeda to blow up churches while they are celebrating special holy days or anytime when the churches are packed with worshipers is evidence of the intense campaign going on by the radical Islamists to destroy the Christian community in the Middle East.
One radical Islamist website has been calling for attacks against the churches in Europe as well with instructions on how to attack the churches. This report is only the tip of the iceberg as it relates to attacks on Christians in the Middle East and around the world.
A study of Bible prophecy reveals that people of faith, those who believe in Jesus Christ, will be under attack with great force during the seven year Tribulation period to come. Revelation 6:9-10 talks about those who will be slain because of their testimony and their love for the Word of God, the Bible. Verse 10 of Revelation 6 says that those who are being killed for their faith will ask God to intervene for their safety because it will be so bad.
The ever increasing attacks on Middle Eastern Christians by radical Islamists is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
July 04, 2011
As we celebrate the birthday of the United States, the question of America's place in Bible prophecy can be answered
The other reason given for America's success is that we have protected the Jewish state of Israel for the many years of its existence, keeping the Jewish people from total elimination by its enemies. These two reasons, at the least, have played a role in bringing the United States to where it is today; but where is the United States in Bible prophecy?
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The question of America's place in Bible prophecy does have an answer.
"Where is America in Bible prophecy?" That is the most asked question in any "Prophecy Question and Answer" time. I am always asked this question when I open up to inquiring people.
Once in a "Prophecy Question and Answer" time someone told me that they knew, so I asked "Where?"
They said, "Jerusalem."
I asked them to explain, and they spelled out the word Jerusalem.
"J - e - r - U - S - A - l - e - m", to which everybody laughed.
As I thought about the answer though, I believe that it is correct, the only place in Bible prophecy that I see the possibility of the mention of the United States or an illusion to the United States is in Zechariah 14:2.
Zechariah revealed that at the time of the end all of the armies of the world would gather at Jerusalem, under the leadership of Satan, Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet - there to confront Jesus Christ on His return to the Mount of Olives from where He departed some 2,000 years ago. If America survives the 7 year Tribulation Period, their army would join the other armies of the world at Jerusalem.
America today is great because the backbone of this nation is made up of true, Bible believing, born-again Christians. When the Christians leave this world at the Rapture of the Church, which could happen at any moment, the most powerful nation in the world will most likely fall from it's power base.
America's spiritual decline, in the present, will result in a power decline in the future. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
July 01, 2011
Middle East Peace Envoy Tony Blair says there will be serious trouble if the Middle East peace talks do not resume soon
Blair acknowledged that the level of confidence between the two sides was low, but said that talks can be put back on track. Blair noted that the efforts by the Palestinians to garner support for an independent state, which he said would indeed put pressure on Israel but he added such unilateral steps are never as effective as steps taken in mutual agreement.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The warning by Peace Envoy Tony Blair that there will be serious trouble in the Middle East if Israeli-Palestinian peace talks do not resume soon is a page out of Bible prophecy.
Tony Blair, the former PM of Great Britain and now the Peace Envoy for the Middle East peace process representing the US, the EU, the UN, and Russia, the Quartet; the Quartet peace envoy has warned of serious trouble in the Middle East if the Israelis and the Palestinians do not come back to the table soon to get the peace talks back on track. Blair does not believe a unilateral announcement of an independent Palestinian state will help the process and certainly will not bring about peace between the two parties. Blair has been working behind the scenes with both the Israelis and the Palestinians, plus the US and the EU in an effort to bring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This report is very similar to a prophetic scenario that can be found in the Bible where it speaks of the quest for peace in the Middle East in the last days. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote 2500 years ago of a world leader coming to power, one from the European community that would then bring peace to the Middle East, howbeit a short-lived peace, Daniel 7:7-24 and Daniel 9:27. This is not an effort to name the personalities of this prophetic scenario, but only to draw attention to God's pre-written history that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Once again, current political events are setting the stage for prophetic events to come to past.