In a nation wide telecast from Jerusalem Prime Minister
Netanyahu told the world that Iran had lied about its nuclear program to the
entire world. The Prime Minister revealed the Iranian nuclear archives that the
Mossad, the intelligence organization in Israel had captured from Tehran Iran.
In this report the Prime Minster said that the Iranian leaders had denied that
they had a nuclear program to develop a weapon of mass destruction. He actually
had video footage of these Iranian leaders making the statement that they had
no desire to have a nuclear weapons program to develop a weapon of mass
Then the Prime Minister revealed the Iranian secret archives
on its nuclear program which disproved everything the Iranian leaders had to
say. The Israeli intelligence community was able to capture these files over
one hundred thousand of them and the Prime Minister revealed them to the world,
now they know that Iran was lying.
The Iranian project to develop a nuclear weapon of mass
destruction has been under way for a number of years and it was for the purpose
of developing a nuclear core for the nuclear weapon, enriching uranium to make
this weapon, developing the bomb to carry this nuclear material, to test the
program, and then to put this nuclear war head on a ballistic missile.
The Prime Minister said that Iran lied about the nuclear program.
They also kept a secret file on the nuclear program so they could expand the
program. They lied to the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2015 at the
time they were negotiating the Iranian nuclear deal. And Prime Minister
Netanyahu said that this deal put in place during the Obama Administration was
based upon a lie. Prime Minister Netanyahu said the bottom line is that Iran
continues to lie, they do have a nuclear program and they’re developing a
ballistic missile as the delivery system.
Now this revelation has great political ramifications for
the Iranian nuclear deal but this report also has a great prophetic
significance. In the book of Ezekiel 38:5 where the prophet mentions Persia
that’s modern day Iran and they’re the nation developing a nuclear weapon that
will threaten the entire world, not only the Middle East not only Israel, but
the entire world and it fits exactly into the scenario that is found in Bible
prophecy and includes a number of other Middle Eastern states. You can read
about them in the book of Daniel 11:40-45, Psalm 83, as well as Ezekiel 38.