JD: David there are probably a number of different ways to approach this particular subject but what do you think is the best way to deal with it? And what do you think is the strongest Biblical evidence for the sign gifts having ceased in the first century?
DJ: Well one of the things that you find when you’re talking with someone who believes that the sign gifts are still in operations today they will point to Hebrews 13:8 which says Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever and they will suggest that because of what was happening in the first century that that will continue forever because Jesus doesn’t change. And I would say I agree Jesus doesn’t change but we shouldn’t go back to Acts chapter 2 but rather we should go back to Genesis chapter 1 since Jesus was the creator. He is the one who operated miraculously on the earth and gave the miracles throughout all of history.
So we start in Genesis and then take a dispensational
approach and we see that there were periods of time in history where there were
miracles beginning especially with the flood and the Tower of Babel, then the
time of Moses, and then the time of Elijah and these are major periods. They
were long periods where there was very little prophecy going on and there was
an especially very little miraculous. And there was another time then when
Jesus and the Apostles were on the earth and then once again during the
tribulation period in the future. So there are long periods of time where there was very little miraculous activity and then you see this Biblical pattern.
And as far as the evidence for us now being in one of those
periods of quiet of little miraculous activity and certainly not the sign gifts
and operation is one the pattern in the Bible. And then if you look at the
purpose of the sign gifts it was for laying the foundation through the Apostles
and Prophets foundation for the church. And then the third thing would be that
if you look at Paul’s ministry in the 60s he left three people sick. Apparently
they were slowly being withdrawn by God even as early as the 60s. So I believe
that they were for the foundation of the church so that they are currently not operative
although I do believe that there will be a time when the miraculous will begin
again and become more common placed during the tribulation period.
JD: David James with a Biblical approach for signs, wonders and
miracles in the church today.
David James gave us a Biblical understanding of signs,
wonders and miracles for today. Jesus Christ in the Olivet Discourse, Matthew
chapter 24 said the exact same thing. In Matthew 24:4, 5, 11 and 24 Jesus
Christ said that deception is the number one sign for his second coming and
that deception will be through signs, wonders and miracles. We today are seeing
Bible prophecy fulfilled.