JD: David, Hamas sent many of their representatives to Tehran, Iran their in a meeting with the leaders of Iran. They’re planning to figure out how to eliminate the state of Israel. What are your thoughts? What’s Israel thinking about this?
DD: Well Jimmy it’s just another very clear sign that Hamas is now pretty fully under Iran’s tutelage if not control. So it’s very unusual really that Hamas would be so close to a Shiite power but of course their war against Israel is their number one thing and to destroy the Jewish state is obviously a goal shared by Iran as they say all the time. So their natural allies in that sense.
In recent years the relationship has been stepped up. The
flow of weapons has been increasing all the time. Hamas militants have been
joining Islamic Jihad Palestinians who have been for a much longer period of
time close to Iran. They have been really all along an ally of Iran. Hamas not
so much so but they’ve been joining them in recent years sending men to be
trained in military tactics in Iran.
And then of course as you mentioned the Hamas leadership
cozying up to Iran as well. So this is an interesting development. Hezbollah stepping
in and of course Hezbollah and Hamas have become very close and coordinate
their military activities. So one again Iran is setting up its ducks in a row
in the region strengthening its alliances with both Shiite and Sunni Muslim
groups in the area, anybody that will work with them basically; the rebels in Yemen
among them. It makes for a mess and it makes for Iranian enemies all around
Israel basically and that’s strategically a very troubling problem for the
JD: David Dolan with the details behind the Hamas-Iran meeting
to plan the elimination of the state of Israel.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Though Hamas and Iran are the different branches of the
Islamic body politic today they are working together to eliminate the Jewish
state of Israel. Islam is a false religion in our world today and has ambitions
that require the destruction of the Jewish state. Their politics, their
military strategy and especially their eschatology is focused on the
elimination of the Jewish state. That then allows for the partnership of Hamas
and Iran.
Psalm 83:4 says they come out of their conference meeting
and they say let us destroy the Jewish state of Israel and may her name be
forgotten forever. That scenario is in place today to be fulfilled.