JD: David I want to talk to you about the Israeli-Saudi combination, the two together attacking there on the Syrian-Iraqi border in response to this Iranian attack on the Saudi oil fields or the refinery. What do we know?
DD: Well Jimmy we have reports coming out of several Israeli security services and sources and also some Arab Gulf military sources being quoted saying that for the first time openly Israeli and Saudi jets jointly attacked in the Abu Kamal region. The eastern border region as you said of Syria with Iraq and Jordan is just on the other side have been jointly hitting bases there. They say that the “unidentified” UAVs that have been sited flying low over Iranian concentrations in Syria belong to Saudi Arabia. But the Israeli Air Forces reportedly jointly attacking these positions and the US is providing air cover as well as running intelligence. And the reports suggest Jimmy that this is why President Trump has not taken any military action because the Israelis and Saudis said, hey we’ll go on and do it, we’ll hit their bases and where they launch these attacks from and reduce their forces there.
Of course the
Iranians have been saying all week Jimmy that they will respond with full war
if they feel like they’re being hit. Well they are being hit not in Iran itself
according to these reports but in Syria and possibly also in Iraq and next door. A
big step up but Jimmy who could have thought that we would see the Israeli and
Saudi Air Forces fighting together against a common enemy when of course the
Saudis have supported the various Arab wars over the years and the uprisings
and that against the Israelis. So a real sea change in that way and remarkable
news. But we may see this grow and move to other areas including of course more
Iranian strikes on Israel and on Saudi Arabia.
JD: David Dolan with the details on the joint air strike on an
Iranian site by the Israeli and Saudi Air Forces.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The old saying is that politics makes strange bedfellows.
That seems to be the case this week as Israeli and Saudi Arabia attack an
Iranian military site in response to the Iranian attack on the Saudi oil field.
Thought the focus this time is on Iran the Bible tells us that in the future
the Iranians, Ezekiel 38:5 and the Saudis, Psalm 83:6 will join together to
wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. These two Islamic nations will not make
that happen because God will intercede to protect the Jewish state of Israel,
that’s Ezekiel chapter 39.