March 08, 2006

Israel's ruling political party has plans to give away historically significant Biblical land

The former Israeli Security Service Chief Avi Dichter, an official in Israel's ruling political party, the Kadima Party, says that the party has plans for a new round of unilateral pullouts from Jewish settlements in the area of Judea and Samaria, often referred to as the West Bank.

Dichter said that Kadima would immediately start working on a new disengagement plan if it won the March 28th ballot and became the leader of the next Israeli government. A division in the Kadima party leadership has emerged even as other party candidates and the Jewish settlers themselves are vowing to not allow any more unilateral withdrawals from Israeli territories, fearing that further disengagement would rip the nation of Israel completely apart.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Additional unilateral withdrawals from Israeli lands, especially the historically significant biblical areas, is a precursor to a prophetic scenario for the Last Days that can be found in Bible prophecy. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon divided his own nation as he gave the command to withdraw from the Gaza Strip this last summer, displacing some nine thousand Jews from their homes of over thirty years.

The potential for a civil war among Israeli Jews and the work being done by those who want to establish a second Jewish state in the area of Judea and Samaria seem to be the only alternatives to additional unilateral withdrawal from the controversial territories at the center of this issue. One must realize that the Jewish state of Israel is a divided people as they approach the election to bring to power the leaders who will move Israel ahead and into the future. This report is almost describing exactly the scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the Last Days.

The ancient, Jewish prophet Ezekiel prewrote history when he called for a time when there would be two Jewish states in the land, that's Ezekiel 37:15-23. Both Jeremiah and Malachi also confirmed this same prophetic scenario, that's found in Jeremiah 3 and Malachi 2.

A political party whose platform is withdrawing from Bible land is indeed a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy for the Last Days.