According to Harvard Professor Robert Putnam as revealed in his recently released book "American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites the United States" the most popular religion in the US is not Catholicism or Mormonism, it is Judaism.
Putnam, in a previous book he published, indicated that America was losing its social capital, but that Americans were a deeply religious people, more so on average than in Iran for example. Putnam said he thinks what brought about the surprising popularity of these historically persecuted people was that the American public may have learned the lessons of the injustice wrought upon the chosen people in the past.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Though a recent survey says that in America the most popular religion is Judaism, the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy contradicts those findings.
Harvard professor and author Robert Putnam has released his findings of a survey taken from among 3000 people, a cross section of America, that reveals Judaism is the most popular religion among Americans. These findings are very interesting; however, they are somewhat difficult to believe when one reads the reports of growing Antisemitism in America and around the world. Some have said that this survey may indicate that there are those who embrace Judaism because of guilt from the way that the world has traditionally persecuted the Jewish people. Whatever the reason for Judaism's popularity in America, the future does not bode well for the Jews.
In a seven year period of time known as the Tribulation Period, the Jewish people will not be very popular and in fact will be the focus of not only persecution but an effort for the complete annihilation of the Jewish people on earth, that scenario is revealed in Revelation 14-19. In these 16 chapters, it is evident that the sources of evil, both man and angels will try to eliminate the Jews from the world, Revelation 12:13-17. Zechariah, another ancient Jewish prophet, says that two-thirds of the Jews will be killed during this same period of time, Zechariah 13:8.
Judaism may be popular today, but in the future, the Jews will be the target for destruction.
Jimmy DeYoung's daily report on current events as they set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
June 30, 2011
The most popular religion in the US is Judaism
June 29, 2011
The age of America will soon come to an end
Listen to Today's Program 
The International Monetary Fund, the IMF, recently dropped a bombshell and most of the world is yet to notice that for the first time, this international organization has set a date when the age of America will end and the United States economy will be overtaken by that of China. According to the latest IMF official forecast, China's economy will surpass that of America in real terms, in 2016 which will bring an end to America's leadership in this world.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
America's leadership role in our world today is coming to an end and it could be sooner rather than later, according to Bible prophecy.
For the last several years America has been on a downward spiral economically and it does not seem like any of our political leaders know how to stop the economic disaster that is on the horizon for the United States. A recent report by the International Monetary Fund reveals that by 2016, China will surpass the United States economically and become the world's superpower.
In light of the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the end of times, the IMF report is right on target. America has been great because it has been the launchpad for world evangelization with the manpower, materials, and money needed to reach the world with the gospel message that Jesus Christ is the Savior. The United States has also played the major role in protecting the Jewish people but that key role for America is about to come to and end one way or another.
The IMF forecast is one very viable possibility but I believe the Rapture of the Church, true born again Christians, leaving this world for the heavens will render America inoperative. America has kept the Middle Eastern Islamic nations from attacking and destroying Israel as foretold in Bible prophecy in Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 38.
The rise of the European Union which I do believe is at least the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire and the appearance of the world dictator out of the Revived Roman Empire, the Antichrist, as foretold in Daniel 7:7-24 has been held back by a strong United States.
With America on the sidelines, end time Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

The International Monetary Fund, the IMF, recently dropped a bombshell and most of the world is yet to notice that for the first time, this international organization has set a date when the age of America will end and the United States economy will be overtaken by that of China. According to the latest IMF official forecast, China's economy will surpass that of America in real terms, in 2016 which will bring an end to America's leadership in this world.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
America's leadership role in our world today is coming to an end and it could be sooner rather than later, according to Bible prophecy.
For the last several years America has been on a downward spiral economically and it does not seem like any of our political leaders know how to stop the economic disaster that is on the horizon for the United States. A recent report by the International Monetary Fund reveals that by 2016, China will surpass the United States economically and become the world's superpower.
In light of the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the end of times, the IMF report is right on target. America has been great because it has been the launchpad for world evangelization with the manpower, materials, and money needed to reach the world with the gospel message that Jesus Christ is the Savior. The United States has also played the major role in protecting the Jewish people but that key role for America is about to come to and end one way or another.
The IMF forecast is one very viable possibility but I believe the Rapture of the Church, true born again Christians, leaving this world for the heavens will render America inoperative. America has kept the Middle Eastern Islamic nations from attacking and destroying Israel as foretold in Bible prophecy in Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 38.
The rise of the European Union which I do believe is at least the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire and the appearance of the world dictator out of the Revived Roman Empire, the Antichrist, as foretold in Daniel 7:7-24 has been held back by a strong United States.
With America on the sidelines, end time Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 28, 2011
Israeli officials say diplomatic moves and the Middle East process could lead to a world war
Listen to Today's Program 
Israeli President Shimon Peres has warned that a written peace agreement on Jerusalem will cause a world war, stating that there is now defacto peace in Jerusalem where people pray, live and work together peacefully, but putting that into writing could cause a world war to break out.
Israeli Knesset member and former Chief of Staff for the IDF, Shaul Mofaz says that the prospects of war is inevitable if through diplomatic moves, the UN declares a Palestinian state based on its own unilateral definition of its borders, this also would cause a major conflict in the region.
As world leaders work at bringing resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the peace process, the whole process seems to be moving closer to a major conflict breaking out in the region.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Recent warnings from Israeli officials that the Middle East process could lead to a world war is right in line with the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Israeli President Shimon Peres has warned that if you put into writing the defacto peace now in place in Jerusalem, the result could be a world war. These statements from President Peres, somewhat of a dove on the peace process, should be heeded by all parties. The former Chief of Staff of the IDF, Shaul Mofaz also believes a unilateral declaration by the UN of a Palestinian state will be rejected by Israel and bring Palestinians into the streets which could lead to a major conflict in the area.
The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote of this type of situation when he foretold of a world dictator, the Antichrist, putting into place a peace in the Middle East, Daniel 9:27. This short-lived pseudo peace would spark at least a regional war in the Middle East if not a world wide conflict, Daniel 11:40-44, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83. The presence of a Jewish state in the Middle East is the irritant that will indeed end in a war resulting from the so-called peace process.
There will only be true peace in the Middle East and world wide when the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, comes back.

Israeli President Shimon Peres has warned that a written peace agreement on Jerusalem will cause a world war, stating that there is now defacto peace in Jerusalem where people pray, live and work together peacefully, but putting that into writing could cause a world war to break out.
Israeli Knesset member and former Chief of Staff for the IDF, Shaul Mofaz says that the prospects of war is inevitable if through diplomatic moves, the UN declares a Palestinian state based on its own unilateral definition of its borders, this also would cause a major conflict in the region.
As world leaders work at bringing resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the peace process, the whole process seems to be moving closer to a major conflict breaking out in the region.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Recent warnings from Israeli officials that the Middle East process could lead to a world war is right in line with the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Israeli President Shimon Peres has warned that if you put into writing the defacto peace now in place in Jerusalem, the result could be a world war. These statements from President Peres, somewhat of a dove on the peace process, should be heeded by all parties. The former Chief of Staff of the IDF, Shaul Mofaz also believes a unilateral declaration by the UN of a Palestinian state will be rejected by Israel and bring Palestinians into the streets which could lead to a major conflict in the area.
The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote of this type of situation when he foretold of a world dictator, the Antichrist, putting into place a peace in the Middle East, Daniel 9:27. This short-lived pseudo peace would spark at least a regional war in the Middle East if not a world wide conflict, Daniel 11:40-44, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83. The presence of a Jewish state in the Middle East is the irritant that will indeed end in a war resulting from the so-called peace process.
There will only be true peace in the Middle East and world wide when the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, comes back.
June 27, 2011
China, the banker for the US, is moving to rescue the Euro, the common currency of the EU
Listen to Today's Program 
The Euro, common currency in the Eurozone - which is made up of the member-states of the EU, has been in real trouble because of the economic problems of a number of the EU states including Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Ireland.
With this economic crisis in Europe, it is to the best interest of cash rich China to help resolve the Eurozone debt crisis and continue to share in the buying power of Europe in return. China is the world's fastest growing major economy and to maintain that position, the Chinese have a vested interest in the economic stability of both the US and the EU.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The recent moves by China to rescue the Euro, common currency of the EU, is a scenario that fits the prophetic passages of God's Word for the last days.
The economic crisis in the EU with a number of its member states struggling financially, has given rise to cash-rich China rushing to rescue the Euro, the common currency of members of the Eurozone, in order to continue as the world's fastest growing economy. It is of great interest to students of Bible prophecy how the world's economic structure is a major part of the end times scenario that can be found in the Bible.
The EU, the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire, is one of the key players in the last days as foretold in Daniel 7 and Revelation 17. China most certainly will be a part of the Kings of the East found in Revelation 16:12. The global economy focus of Revelation 18 will be ruled over by the world dictator known as the Antichrist. By the way, the Antichrist comes out of the EU, the precursor to the revived Roman Empire, and will control the buying and selling of the world in the last days, Revelation 13:16, 17. China will join with the Antichrist to stop the Messiah, Jesus Christ from coming back to the earth, Revelation 16:13-16.
All the players are on the stage, the curtain is about to go up on the final drama.

The Euro, common currency in the Eurozone - which is made up of the member-states of the EU, has been in real trouble because of the economic problems of a number of the EU states including Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Ireland.
With this economic crisis in Europe, it is to the best interest of cash rich China to help resolve the Eurozone debt crisis and continue to share in the buying power of Europe in return. China is the world's fastest growing major economy and to maintain that position, the Chinese have a vested interest in the economic stability of both the US and the EU.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The recent moves by China to rescue the Euro, common currency of the EU, is a scenario that fits the prophetic passages of God's Word for the last days.
The economic crisis in the EU with a number of its member states struggling financially, has given rise to cash-rich China rushing to rescue the Euro, the common currency of members of the Eurozone, in order to continue as the world's fastest growing economy. It is of great interest to students of Bible prophecy how the world's economic structure is a major part of the end times scenario that can be found in the Bible.
The EU, the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire, is one of the key players in the last days as foretold in Daniel 7 and Revelation 17. China most certainly will be a part of the Kings of the East found in Revelation 16:12. The global economy focus of Revelation 18 will be ruled over by the world dictator known as the Antichrist. By the way, the Antichrist comes out of the EU, the precursor to the revived Roman Empire, and will control the buying and selling of the world in the last days, Revelation 13:16, 17. China will join with the Antichrist to stop the Messiah, Jesus Christ from coming back to the earth, Revelation 16:13-16.
All the players are on the stage, the curtain is about to go up on the final drama.
June 24, 2011
Palestinians are demanding that Youtube take down a video that reveals the truth about the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
An independent producer in Israel has a short documentary that can be seen on Youtube which reveals the real truth about the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the relationship of the Jews and the Palestinians to this very sacred piece of real estate which has become the center of controversy in our world today. This video presentation documents the fact that the Temple Mount is the focus of Jewish worship while Mecca in Saudi Arabia is the focus of Moslem worship and in fact when Jews pray they look towards the Temple Mount while Moslems face Mecca in their prayers with their backs toward the Temple Mount.
Even a distinguished Palestinian professor states in one of his books that the Jews have a connection to the Temple Mount and he quotes the Koran that states that the Jews will indeed return to their God given land and to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A Jewish produced documentary on Youtube has raised the protest of Palestinians but at the same time sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. An independent producer has produced a documentary that can be seen on Youtube which documents the history of the Temple Mount and its importance to both Jews and Palestinian Arabs. This video points out that the Koran, the Moslem holy book, never even mentions the city of Jerusalem much less the Temple Mount. The documentary reveals that the Temple Mount is sacred to the Jewish people while it is a place of recreation for Moslems where they picnic, play soccer, and even use it as a base for violent riots.
In the Jewish Bible, Jerusalem is mentioned over 600 times and the Holy Mountain of God, the Biblical term for the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the site of two previous Jewish temples and the location for the Messiah's Temple in the future (II Samuel 7 and Zechariah 1:16). Zechariah 12:2 states that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount will be the center of controversy in the end of times and the debate between the Jews and the Palestinians is effectively fulfilling that prophecy. The Messiah Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem one day and build His temple on the Temple Mount where He will rule and reign forever (Zechariah 6:12-13).
The controversy surrounding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will continue until Jesus returns. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Even a distinguished Palestinian professor states in one of his books that the Jews have a connection to the Temple Mount and he quotes the Koran that states that the Jews will indeed return to their God given land and to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A Jewish produced documentary on Youtube has raised the protest of Palestinians but at the same time sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. An independent producer has produced a documentary that can be seen on Youtube which documents the history of the Temple Mount and its importance to both Jews and Palestinian Arabs. This video points out that the Koran, the Moslem holy book, never even mentions the city of Jerusalem much less the Temple Mount. The documentary reveals that the Temple Mount is sacred to the Jewish people while it is a place of recreation for Moslems where they picnic, play soccer, and even use it as a base for violent riots.
In the Jewish Bible, Jerusalem is mentioned over 600 times and the Holy Mountain of God, the Biblical term for the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the site of two previous Jewish temples and the location for the Messiah's Temple in the future (II Samuel 7 and Zechariah 1:16). Zechariah 12:2 states that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount will be the center of controversy in the end of times and the debate between the Jews and the Palestinians is effectively fulfilling that prophecy. The Messiah Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem one day and build His temple on the Temple Mount where He will rule and reign forever (Zechariah 6:12-13).
The controversy surrounding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will continue until Jesus returns. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 23, 2011
European and Arab leaders come together in a secret meeting to discuss the Middle East peace process without any Israeli representation
The chief of foreign policy for the European Union, Catherine Ashton, called a meeting of several foreign ministers of the European Union and Arab leaders including the Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, the Chief Palestinian Negotiator, Saeb Erekat, and delegates from Jordan and Saudi Arabia - but without any representative of the Israeli government.
A diplomat from one of the European Union member states that was excluded from this secret meeting said this gathering of European Union diplomats and Arab leaders fortified Catherine Ashton's image of being pro-Palestinian rather than a neutral broker in the Middle East peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A secret meeting held in Europe between a selected group of European Union diplomats and leaders of the Arab world excluding any Israeli representative is a precursor to a prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days.
Catherine Ashton, the Chief of Foreign Policy for the European Union, has been very pro-Palestinian in her approach to the peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Many European Union leaders who are somewhat pro-Israel have questioned Ashton as to whether she is a neutral broker in the peace process. Now with this secret meeting in Europe between some pro-Palestinian foreign ministers and the Arab leaders including the Chief Negotiator for the Palestinians, Saeb Erekat, and the Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, there is now a real question as to a role for the European Union in the peace process.
However, this scenario is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote of the Revived Roman Empire, what would be the European Union today, that the Revived Roman Empire would come to power and become the key player in the Middle East peace process (Daniel 7:24). The leader of this Revived Roman Empire, the Antichrist, would actually bring about a peace agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbors (Daniel 9:27). This peace agreement would lead to an attempt to destroy the Jewish state of Israel (Ezekiel 38).
This secret meeting between the European Union and Arab leaders is indeed a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
A diplomat from one of the European Union member states that was excluded from this secret meeting said this gathering of European Union diplomats and Arab leaders fortified Catherine Ashton's image of being pro-Palestinian rather than a neutral broker in the Middle East peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A secret meeting held in Europe between a selected group of European Union diplomats and leaders of the Arab world excluding any Israeli representative is a precursor to a prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the last days.
Catherine Ashton, the Chief of Foreign Policy for the European Union, has been very pro-Palestinian in her approach to the peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Many European Union leaders who are somewhat pro-Israel have questioned Ashton as to whether she is a neutral broker in the peace process. Now with this secret meeting in Europe between some pro-Palestinian foreign ministers and the Arab leaders including the Chief Negotiator for the Palestinians, Saeb Erekat, and the Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, there is now a real question as to a role for the European Union in the peace process.
However, this scenario is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote of the Revived Roman Empire, what would be the European Union today, that the Revived Roman Empire would come to power and become the key player in the Middle East peace process (Daniel 7:24). The leader of this Revived Roman Empire, the Antichrist, would actually bring about a peace agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbors (Daniel 9:27). This peace agreement would lead to an attempt to destroy the Jewish state of Israel (Ezekiel 38).
This secret meeting between the European Union and Arab leaders is indeed a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
June 22, 2011
There is an app at the iPhone APP Store calling for a violent uprising against the Jewish nation of Israel
Listen to Today's Program 
First it was Facebook, the social network, that called for the third intifada, a Palestinian campaign of violence against the Jewish people of Israel and now it is an app that can be found at the iPhone App Store that is encouraging violent uprisings against Israel and presenting the plans on how to carry out this violence.
The app, called the Third Intifada - an Arabic language app, features articles by radical members of Hamas, Fatah and even the Palestinian Authority who discussed strategies to use in fighting the Israeli Defense Force soldiers and glorifying acts of violence.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Radical Palestinian terrorists using cutting edge telecommunication devices are now preparing to rise up against the Jews of Israel as was predicted 2500 years ago by ancient Jewish prophets.
After a massive campaign against the social network, Facebook the organization took down a site calling for the third intifada, the popular uprising of radical elements of the Palestinian people to attack the Jews in Israel. Now, these same Palestinian radicals have developed an app that can be purchased from the iPhone App Store online that has the same message, "Rise up and commit violent acts against the Jewish people". The Israeli government has formally asked the Apple Company to take the app out of their iPhone store and are waiting for their response. Meanwhile, the Hamas, Fatah, and even the Palestinian Authority are using this app to call for the Palestinian people to attack Jews in Israel.
This scenario of Palestinians killing Jews was foretold by several of the ancient Jewish prophets centuries ago. Ezekiel revealed the Edomites, Palestinian people of today, the descendants of Esau would kill the Jews and take their land in the last days, Ezekiel 35:5-10. Obadiah foretold of a time when the Palestinians would become drunk with power and use violence against the Jewish people, Obadiah 15-17.
Though the ancient Jewish prophets did not mention Facebook and Apple apps in the campaigns by the Palestinians against the Jewish people, I must remind you that Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.

First it was Facebook, the social network, that called for the third intifada, a Palestinian campaign of violence against the Jewish people of Israel and now it is an app that can be found at the iPhone App Store that is encouraging violent uprisings against Israel and presenting the plans on how to carry out this violence.
The app, called the Third Intifada - an Arabic language app, features articles by radical members of Hamas, Fatah and even the Palestinian Authority who discussed strategies to use in fighting the Israeli Defense Force soldiers and glorifying acts of violence.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Radical Palestinian terrorists using cutting edge telecommunication devices are now preparing to rise up against the Jews of Israel as was predicted 2500 years ago by ancient Jewish prophets.
After a massive campaign against the social network, Facebook the organization took down a site calling for the third intifada, the popular uprising of radical elements of the Palestinian people to attack the Jews in Israel. Now, these same Palestinian radicals have developed an app that can be purchased from the iPhone App Store online that has the same message, "Rise up and commit violent acts against the Jewish people". The Israeli government has formally asked the Apple Company to take the app out of their iPhone store and are waiting for their response. Meanwhile, the Hamas, Fatah, and even the Palestinian Authority are using this app to call for the Palestinian people to attack Jews in Israel.
This scenario of Palestinians killing Jews was foretold by several of the ancient Jewish prophets centuries ago. Ezekiel revealed the Edomites, Palestinian people of today, the descendants of Esau would kill the Jews and take their land in the last days, Ezekiel 35:5-10. Obadiah foretold of a time when the Palestinians would become drunk with power and use violence against the Jewish people, Obadiah 15-17.
Though the ancient Jewish prophets did not mention Facebook and Apple apps in the campaigns by the Palestinians against the Jewish people, I must remind you that Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.
June 21, 2011
The Palestinian government says that Jewish people have no right to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, where they now go to pray 3 times every day
Listen to Today's Program 
There is a document on the official mouthpiece for the Palestinian Authority, a website that claims the Jewish people have no right to go to the Western Wall in Jerusalem and pray, which they do three times daily, because the report says the Western Wall belongs to Moslems and the Jews have no connection with the Western Wall.
This study by the Palestinian Authority has been denounced by Israel and the United States because it says the Western Wall has always belonged to the Moslems and the Jews have been allowed to pray there because of Moslem tolerance.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The claim by the Palestinian Authority that Jewish people have no right to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem is a contradiction to historic fact and the prophetic scenario that focuses on the Temple Mount for the end times.
The report published by an official of the Palestinian Authority stating that Jews have no connection to the Western Wall in Jerusalem since there is no stone in the Western Wall that dates back to the time of King Solomon is partially correct and partially wrong. The correct part is that indeed there are no stones in the Western Wall dating back to King Solomon some 3000 years ago - the reason being that the Western Wall was only built some 2000 years ago by Herod the Great. The incorrect statement is that there is no historic Jewish connection to the Western Wall.
Herod used over 10,000 Jewish laborers to build that wall and it was the western retaining wall used to keep the Temple Mount in tact. King Solomon did build the first temple on the Temple Mount and Herod the Great spent 46 years refurbishing the second temple on that same spot - both of these were Jewish temples. That disproves the Palestinian Authority claim of no Jewish connection to the Western Wall.
In fact, the Bible states that one day the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to earth and build a temple for the Jewish people on the Temple Mount (Zechariah 1:16,6:12). However, before Messiah builds His temple in Jerusalem, there will be a Jewish temple erected on the Temple Mount (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1).
Palestinian claims are wrong. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

There is a document on the official mouthpiece for the Palestinian Authority, a website that claims the Jewish people have no right to go to the Western Wall in Jerusalem and pray, which they do three times daily, because the report says the Western Wall belongs to Moslems and the Jews have no connection with the Western Wall.
This study by the Palestinian Authority has been denounced by Israel and the United States because it says the Western Wall has always belonged to the Moslems and the Jews have been allowed to pray there because of Moslem tolerance.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The claim by the Palestinian Authority that Jewish people have no right to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem is a contradiction to historic fact and the prophetic scenario that focuses on the Temple Mount for the end times.
The report published by an official of the Palestinian Authority stating that Jews have no connection to the Western Wall in Jerusalem since there is no stone in the Western Wall that dates back to the time of King Solomon is partially correct and partially wrong. The correct part is that indeed there are no stones in the Western Wall dating back to King Solomon some 3000 years ago - the reason being that the Western Wall was only built some 2000 years ago by Herod the Great. The incorrect statement is that there is no historic Jewish connection to the Western Wall.
Herod used over 10,000 Jewish laborers to build that wall and it was the western retaining wall used to keep the Temple Mount in tact. King Solomon did build the first temple on the Temple Mount and Herod the Great spent 46 years refurbishing the second temple on that same spot - both of these were Jewish temples. That disproves the Palestinian Authority claim of no Jewish connection to the Western Wall.
In fact, the Bible states that one day the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to earth and build a temple for the Jewish people on the Temple Mount (Zechariah 1:16,6:12). However, before Messiah builds His temple in Jerusalem, there will be a Jewish temple erected on the Temple Mount (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1).
Palestinian claims are wrong. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 20, 2011
After decades of decline, the number of Jews in the world has increased
According to the Berman Institute and the Jewish Data Bank, there had been a steady decline for several decades in the worlds Jewish population but the trend has been reversed and an increase has been recorded recently even though it is very so slight in numbers.
The number of Jews outside Israel continued its decline but their number increased inside Israel bringing the total Jewish population in Israel to around 5.7 million, the largest number of Jews in any one location anyplace on earth. Out of a world population numbering around 6.9 billion people there are only about 13 and a half million Jews in our world today which is slightly less that .2% of the world's total population
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With less than .2% of the world's total population being Jewish, the world's focus is on these unique people who will be the major players in the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Out of a world population that numbers 6.9 billion people, the Jewish people and their very small nation in the Middle East has attracted the attention of the world. It seems that daily some world leader is talking about the Jewish state of Israel and what is happening there as it relates to the existence of this young nation among the nations of the world. The Jewish people came into existence 4000 years ago when Abraham became the Father of the Jews and passed that heritage along to his son and grandson Isaac and Jacob.
Though there have been countless attempts to destroy the Jewish people down through the centuries God has protected a people that He calls His chosen people, that is according to Deuteronomy 7:6-8. In fact, God divided humankind on this earth and he set the bounds for them based upon the Jewish people in this world - that's recorded in Deuteronomy 32:8.
Every student of Bible prophecy is aware that God's plan for the end times will happen in order to fulfill the Lord's promises to the Jewish people. Those promises found in the Abrahamic Covenant, (Genesis 15) the Land Covenant, (Deuteronomy 30) the Davidic Covenant, (II Samuel 7) and the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31).
Though the Jewish people are small in numbers in our world today, they will be the major players for the last days. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
The number of Jews outside Israel continued its decline but their number increased inside Israel bringing the total Jewish population in Israel to around 5.7 million, the largest number of Jews in any one location anyplace on earth. Out of a world population numbering around 6.9 billion people there are only about 13 and a half million Jews in our world today which is slightly less that .2% of the world's total population
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With less than .2% of the world's total population being Jewish, the world's focus is on these unique people who will be the major players in the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Out of a world population that numbers 6.9 billion people, the Jewish people and their very small nation in the Middle East has attracted the attention of the world. It seems that daily some world leader is talking about the Jewish state of Israel and what is happening there as it relates to the existence of this young nation among the nations of the world. The Jewish people came into existence 4000 years ago when Abraham became the Father of the Jews and passed that heritage along to his son and grandson Isaac and Jacob.
Though there have been countless attempts to destroy the Jewish people down through the centuries God has protected a people that He calls His chosen people, that is according to Deuteronomy 7:6-8. In fact, God divided humankind on this earth and he set the bounds for them based upon the Jewish people in this world - that's recorded in Deuteronomy 32:8.
Every student of Bible prophecy is aware that God's plan for the end times will happen in order to fulfill the Lord's promises to the Jewish people. Those promises found in the Abrahamic Covenant, (Genesis 15) the Land Covenant, (Deuteronomy 30) the Davidic Covenant, (II Samuel 7) and the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31).
Though the Jewish people are small in numbers in our world today, they will be the major players for the last days. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 17, 2011
Jordan's King Abdullah says resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not possible, which could put Israel in a dangerous situation
King Abdullah, Jordan's king and chief political leader, says that the peace process is dead and the prospects for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not going to happen in the near future which could mean Israel will be surrounded by hostile Arab governments. Abdullah said that the Israelis and the Palestinians missed an opportunity during the Arab Spring, to come to an agreement because that window will close and bring about new changes in the Middle East.
The Jordanian king believes that the new Arab leaders who will come to power in the Middle East will seek to exploit popular resentments in the Arab street against Israel which could place the Jewish state in a dangerous position.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Jordan's King Abdullah is telling the world that Middle East peace will not come about in the near future which is in line with the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the last days.
The Arab nation of Jordan is one of two Arab states that has signed a peace treaty with the Jewish state of Israel - the other being Egypt. Jordan's King Abdullah understands the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since almost 70% of Jordan's population is Palestinian. Therefore, when the king warns the world that peace in the Middle East is not possible in the near future, he knows of what he speaks.
The peace process is dead at this time and with both the Israelis and the Palestinians not wanting to make concessions there seems to be no time in the near future for an agreement between the two peoples. Couple that with the Arab Spring and the battle for power in the Arab world and the prophetic scenario that is found in the Bible seems to be coming into better focus.
The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel prewrote history when he wrote the prophecy about a world leader coming to power and bringing peace to the Middle East (Daniel 9:27). This passage speaks of the Antichrist, that world leader who will bring about peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors, a peace that will be short lived and actually a pseudo - a false peace. It is during the time of that short period of peace that the Arab world will attack Israel (Ezekiel 38:8,11).
King Abdullah's warning of no Middle East peace in the future is right on target because Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
The Jordanian king believes that the new Arab leaders who will come to power in the Middle East will seek to exploit popular resentments in the Arab street against Israel which could place the Jewish state in a dangerous position.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Jordan's King Abdullah is telling the world that Middle East peace will not come about in the near future which is in line with the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the last days.
The Arab nation of Jordan is one of two Arab states that has signed a peace treaty with the Jewish state of Israel - the other being Egypt. Jordan's King Abdullah understands the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since almost 70% of Jordan's population is Palestinian. Therefore, when the king warns the world that peace in the Middle East is not possible in the near future, he knows of what he speaks.
The peace process is dead at this time and with both the Israelis and the Palestinians not wanting to make concessions there seems to be no time in the near future for an agreement between the two peoples. Couple that with the Arab Spring and the battle for power in the Arab world and the prophetic scenario that is found in the Bible seems to be coming into better focus.
The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel prewrote history when he wrote the prophecy about a world leader coming to power and bringing peace to the Middle East (Daniel 9:27). This passage speaks of the Antichrist, that world leader who will bring about peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors, a peace that will be short lived and actually a pseudo - a false peace. It is during the time of that short period of peace that the Arab world will attack Israel (Ezekiel 38:8,11).
King Abdullah's warning of no Middle East peace in the future is right on target because Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 16, 2011
Israel's prime minister says that the Middle East is in a period of turmoil that is historic but could it be the revolution of darkness?
Israel's PM Netanyahu recently gave his evaluation of the unrest spreading across the Middle East and said that this is a period of turmoil that is historic akin to the great revolutions that have taken place in modern times, but he quickly cautioned the world to watch very closely as Arab leaders are deposed and those who may fill the power vacuum created by these revolutions. Netanyahu was most concerned about the direct neighbors of the Jewish state, the nations of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, of which all three are facing differing degrees of unrest even after many political changes have been made.
The Israeli PM warned world leaders that the Islamist element involved in this unrest of all the Arab world could very quickly position themselves to take political control of Israel's neighbors which could bring harm to the Jewish state in the Middle East.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Political unrest in the nations that surround the Jewish state of Israel could bring about a political leadership that would fulfill the end time prophecies for this region that are found in Bible prophecy.
The political leadership of Israel has been watching very closely the ever changing landscape in the Middle East, a result of the unrest in the Arab street throughout the entire region. Israeli PM Netanyahu has been most concerned about what is happening with the direct neighbors of his nation, countries like: Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. With the removal of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, plus the unrest in Syria and the almost civil war in Jordan, things are changing.
These changes were foretold by the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel 2500 years ago. In Daniel 11:40-43, the Jewish prophet revealed the activities of all three Israeli neighbors: Syria, Jordan, and Egypt for the last days. Syria, referred to as the King of the North in verse 40, will make the first move against Israel. Jordan, mentioned as Ammon, Moab, and Edom in verse 41, will provide protection for the Jewish people, Isaiah 63.
Egypt, found in Daniel 11:42-43, will join Syria to try and destroy the Jewish state. Truly, unrest in the Middle East is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The Israeli PM warned world leaders that the Islamist element involved in this unrest of all the Arab world could very quickly position themselves to take political control of Israel's neighbors which could bring harm to the Jewish state in the Middle East.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Political unrest in the nations that surround the Jewish state of Israel could bring about a political leadership that would fulfill the end time prophecies for this region that are found in Bible prophecy.
The political leadership of Israel has been watching very closely the ever changing landscape in the Middle East, a result of the unrest in the Arab street throughout the entire region. Israeli PM Netanyahu has been most concerned about what is happening with the direct neighbors of his nation, countries like: Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. With the removal of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, plus the unrest in Syria and the almost civil war in Jordan, things are changing.
These changes were foretold by the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel 2500 years ago. In Daniel 11:40-43, the Jewish prophet revealed the activities of all three Israeli neighbors: Syria, Jordan, and Egypt for the last days. Syria, referred to as the King of the North in verse 40, will make the first move against Israel. Jordan, mentioned as Ammon, Moab, and Edom in verse 41, will provide protection for the Jewish people, Isaiah 63.
Egypt, found in Daniel 11:42-43, will join Syria to try and destroy the Jewish state. Truly, unrest in the Middle East is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
June 15, 2011
The social network Facebook is being used to call for the total destruction of the Jewish state of Israel
Listen to Today's Program 
After a massive internet campaign used to pressure the popular social networking site Facebook into removing the Moslem page calling for the third uprising against Israel, another page has surfaced entitled "Subscribe Now to the Palestinian Intifada" - a Palestinian uprising against Israel. On the page, "Make the Prophet Number One on Facebook", there are numbers of links to sites of other Facebook pages promoting a massive attempt to carry out the destruction of the state of Israel.
Facebook is also being used to summon millions of Moslems to march into Israel with additional pages calling for one billion Moslems to destroy Israel and exterminate the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The social network Facebook has been used to call for one billion Moslems to march into Israel and destroy the Jewish state, a page which is actually right out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
It has become common knowledge that the social network Facebook has been used very effectively in the organization of the street demonstrations throughout the Arab world. Now this same communications vehicle is being used to call for one billion Moslems to march into Israel to destroy the state and exterminate the Jews. There are Facebook fan pages that are promoting the popularity of Allah the Islamic god and to make him number one on Facebook. Though the media has been very vocal in praising the use of Facebook in the popular uprisings in the Arab world, they have been very silent on condemning the use of Facebook calling for the extermination of the Jewish people.
This misuse of Facebook by radical Moslems is in essence a page out of Bible prophecy. The Psalmist in Psalm 83:4 wrote that the enemies of Israel will indeed call for their total destruction and that the memory of the Jewish people might be blotted out. Zechariah 13:8, Revelation 12:13-17, and other prophetic passages foretell of a time during the Tribulation, the Time of Jacob's Trouble, that there will be many Jews killed, up to two out of every three Jews on the Earth. The Lord will intercede to protect the Jewish people from total extermination however, until this heavenly intervention, the Jews will suffer persecution and death as called for on Facebook. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

After a massive internet campaign used to pressure the popular social networking site Facebook into removing the Moslem page calling for the third uprising against Israel, another page has surfaced entitled "Subscribe Now to the Palestinian Intifada" - a Palestinian uprising against Israel. On the page, "Make the Prophet Number One on Facebook", there are numbers of links to sites of other Facebook pages promoting a massive attempt to carry out the destruction of the state of Israel.
Facebook is also being used to summon millions of Moslems to march into Israel with additional pages calling for one billion Moslems to destroy Israel and exterminate the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The social network Facebook has been used to call for one billion Moslems to march into Israel and destroy the Jewish state, a page which is actually right out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
It has become common knowledge that the social network Facebook has been used very effectively in the organization of the street demonstrations throughout the Arab world. Now this same communications vehicle is being used to call for one billion Moslems to march into Israel to destroy the state and exterminate the Jews. There are Facebook fan pages that are promoting the popularity of Allah the Islamic god and to make him number one on Facebook. Though the media has been very vocal in praising the use of Facebook in the popular uprisings in the Arab world, they have been very silent on condemning the use of Facebook calling for the extermination of the Jewish people.
This misuse of Facebook by radical Moslems is in essence a page out of Bible prophecy. The Psalmist in Psalm 83:4 wrote that the enemies of Israel will indeed call for their total destruction and that the memory of the Jewish people might be blotted out. Zechariah 13:8, Revelation 12:13-17, and other prophetic passages foretell of a time during the Tribulation, the Time of Jacob's Trouble, that there will be many Jews killed, up to two out of every three Jews on the Earth. The Lord will intercede to protect the Jewish people from total extermination however, until this heavenly intervention, the Jews will suffer persecution and death as called for on Facebook. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 14, 2011
Israeli Politicians Warn Against a Palestinian State
Listen to Today's Program 
When the United Nations General Assembly meets there will be many countries that will recognize a Palestinian state and Israeli political leaders warn that a Palestinian state within the present borders of the nation of Israel would be a political tsunami to quote the former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak who in 1998 offered Yasser Arafat 98% of Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip.
Prime Minister Netanyahu warned in 2002 that a Palestinian state would demand the powers of any nations, for example controlling borders and air space be allowed to stockpile military weapons and to have a standing army that could be used in military action against the state of Israel. Many of the Israeli political leaders including Prime Minister Netanyahu say a Palestinian state would be the result of the Israelis creating with their own hands a threat to the very existence of the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The Israeli government allowing for and even creating a Palestinian state would in fact be like committing suicide according to Bible prophecy.
The debate in political capitals continues to intensify for the creation of a Palestinian state within the present borders of of the Jewish state of Israel. United States and European leaders are working towards having the two sides, the Israelis and the Palestinians come to the table and work out an agreement that would in essence create the first Palestinian state ever. Now that statement is based upon over 2000 years of history when there never was a Palestinian state anywhere in the world much less the Middle East. There are no facts in history that there ever was a Palestinian state, a notion that seems contradictory to all the Palestinian propaganda.
As the world watches this conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, I must take you to the prophetic passages in God's Word for the end times scenario for these two peoples. Genesis 25:23 declares that the two boys born to Rebekah and Isaac would one day become two nations. Jacob and his 12 sons have become the Jewish state of Israel. Esau, twin brother of Jacob, has become the Palestinian people of today according to their own history and a thorough study of the Bible. Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, Jeremiah 49, and the little book of Obadiah reveal that Esau's descendants, the Palestinian people of today, will in the last days kill the Jews and try to take their land. This conflict will continue until the Messiah Jesus Christ comes back to earth and destroys the Palestinian people forever (Obadiah 18). Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

When the United Nations General Assembly meets there will be many countries that will recognize a Palestinian state and Israeli political leaders warn that a Palestinian state within the present borders of the nation of Israel would be a political tsunami to quote the former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak who in 1998 offered Yasser Arafat 98% of Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip.
Prime Minister Netanyahu warned in 2002 that a Palestinian state would demand the powers of any nations, for example controlling borders and air space be allowed to stockpile military weapons and to have a standing army that could be used in military action against the state of Israel. Many of the Israeli political leaders including Prime Minister Netanyahu say a Palestinian state would be the result of the Israelis creating with their own hands a threat to the very existence of the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The Israeli government allowing for and even creating a Palestinian state would in fact be like committing suicide according to Bible prophecy.
The debate in political capitals continues to intensify for the creation of a Palestinian state within the present borders of of the Jewish state of Israel. United States and European leaders are working towards having the two sides, the Israelis and the Palestinians come to the table and work out an agreement that would in essence create the first Palestinian state ever. Now that statement is based upon over 2000 years of history when there never was a Palestinian state anywhere in the world much less the Middle East. There are no facts in history that there ever was a Palestinian state, a notion that seems contradictory to all the Palestinian propaganda.
As the world watches this conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, I must take you to the prophetic passages in God's Word for the end times scenario for these two peoples. Genesis 25:23 declares that the two boys born to Rebekah and Isaac would one day become two nations. Jacob and his 12 sons have become the Jewish state of Israel. Esau, twin brother of Jacob, has become the Palestinian people of today according to their own history and a thorough study of the Bible. Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, Jeremiah 49, and the little book of Obadiah reveal that Esau's descendants, the Palestinian people of today, will in the last days kill the Jews and try to take their land. This conflict will continue until the Messiah Jesus Christ comes back to earth and destroys the Palestinian people forever (Obadiah 18). Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 13, 2011
The first rabbinically approved sacrifice in 1500 years has been performed in Israel
It's been 1500 years since there has been a rabbinically approved sacrifice to take place in Israel and the rabbis did approve a Gentile who trained under the leadership of selected rabbis to perform the sacrifice of two turtledoves recently in Israel. The ceremony took place in the Jordan Valley near Jericho as a number of rabbis watched to make certain all Levitical laws were kept in the offering of these two doves.
There are a number of religious Jews that have been preparing for the building of the temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem who believe that Jews need to become accustomed once again to the offering of animals for the sacrifices called for when the temple is once again standing in Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A rabbinically approved sacrifice being performed in Israel is tangible evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. Since the destruction of the Jewish temple in 70AD there has not been an opportunity for Jews to offer any of the required sacrifices called for under Levitical law. Over the last 2000 years there have been several occasions in different parts of the world where rabbis would approve the offering of animals in sacrifice but nothing compared to the days when the temple was standing in Jerusalem. Recently a Gentile, one trained by a number of rabbis, performed a sacrifice of two turtledoves in the Jordan Valley near the Dead Sea, the first rabbinically approved sacrifice in 1500 years.
This is a part of a program to prepare the Jewish people for the restoration of the sacrificial system that is called for in the first 7 chapters in the book of Leviticus. Daniel 9:27 reveals that the sacrificial system will be restored when there is a temple in Jerusalem. Even the Messiah's temple described in Ezekiel 40-46 calls for sacrifices to be restored as a part of daily Jewish life. There will be two temples in the future for the Jewish people, one in the Tribulation period and then another in the time of the Millennial Kingdom of the future. In both of these temples, sacrifices will be made. In fact for the next temple all preparations have been made and its ready to be built in Jerusalem even right now.
A sacrifice made in Israel recently is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
There are a number of religious Jews that have been preparing for the building of the temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem who believe that Jews need to become accustomed once again to the offering of animals for the sacrifices called for when the temple is once again standing in Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A rabbinically approved sacrifice being performed in Israel is tangible evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. Since the destruction of the Jewish temple in 70AD there has not been an opportunity for Jews to offer any of the required sacrifices called for under Levitical law. Over the last 2000 years there have been several occasions in different parts of the world where rabbis would approve the offering of animals in sacrifice but nothing compared to the days when the temple was standing in Jerusalem. Recently a Gentile, one trained by a number of rabbis, performed a sacrifice of two turtledoves in the Jordan Valley near the Dead Sea, the first rabbinically approved sacrifice in 1500 years.
This is a part of a program to prepare the Jewish people for the restoration of the sacrificial system that is called for in the first 7 chapters in the book of Leviticus. Daniel 9:27 reveals that the sacrificial system will be restored when there is a temple in Jerusalem. Even the Messiah's temple described in Ezekiel 40-46 calls for sacrifices to be restored as a part of daily Jewish life. There will be two temples in the future for the Jewish people, one in the Tribulation period and then another in the time of the Millennial Kingdom of the future. In both of these temples, sacrifices will be made. In fact for the next temple all preparations have been made and its ready to be built in Jerusalem even right now.
A sacrifice made in Israel recently is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 10, 2011
The terrorist organization Hamas is training children to become terrorists in summer camps
There are reports coming out of the Gaza Strip that Hamas, the Islamic terrorist organization, looks at record turnout for the summer camp training program, a program which combines Islamic indoctrination, paramilitary training, and social activities. Children are an important target demographic for Hamas from which its future army of terrorists will be recruited using summer camps as the means for indoctrinating Gaza's youth with Hamas jihadist ideology.
Hamas terrorists give children paramilitary training by hanging banners on walls calling for jihad, death for the sake of Allah, and the capture of the city of Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Training children in summer camps to grow up to be terrorists is a scenario that fits the prophetic passages of Bible prophecy for the end of times.
The Islamic terror organization Hamas, for many years, has held summer camps for children and have used the camps to indoctrinate these young people with an Islamic ideology that calls for the killing of Jews and the demise of the Jewish state of Israel. There is great evidence that young terrorists committing terrorism today were trained in the summer camps how to use military weapons to kill Jews. Hamas has made it clear that these summer camps are for preparing the next generation for their armed struggle against the Jewish state of Israel.
A number of ancient Jewish prophets wrote of this end times scenario which is actually being played out today. Malachi revealed that the Palestinians, descendants of Biblical Esau, would return to rebuild their nation (Malachi 1). Ezekiel wrote of the judgment to come on the Palestinians as they rise up to kill Jews and take the land that God has given them (Ezekiel 35). Jeremiah the prophet wrote wrote in Jeremiah 49:18 that the Palestinian people, the Edomites of Biblical times, will be destroyed and be as if they never have been. Obadiah foretold of the end of this Palestinian violence when Jesus Christ returns to the earth (Obadiah 15-18).
Hamas summer camps are indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Hamas terrorists give children paramilitary training by hanging banners on walls calling for jihad, death for the sake of Allah, and the capture of the city of Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Training children in summer camps to grow up to be terrorists is a scenario that fits the prophetic passages of Bible prophecy for the end of times.
The Islamic terror organization Hamas, for many years, has held summer camps for children and have used the camps to indoctrinate these young people with an Islamic ideology that calls for the killing of Jews and the demise of the Jewish state of Israel. There is great evidence that young terrorists committing terrorism today were trained in the summer camps how to use military weapons to kill Jews. Hamas has made it clear that these summer camps are for preparing the next generation for their armed struggle against the Jewish state of Israel.
A number of ancient Jewish prophets wrote of this end times scenario which is actually being played out today. Malachi revealed that the Palestinians, descendants of Biblical Esau, would return to rebuild their nation (Malachi 1). Ezekiel wrote of the judgment to come on the Palestinians as they rise up to kill Jews and take the land that God has given them (Ezekiel 35). Jeremiah the prophet wrote wrote in Jeremiah 49:18 that the Palestinian people, the Edomites of Biblical times, will be destroyed and be as if they never have been. Obadiah foretold of the end of this Palestinian violence when Jesus Christ returns to the earth (Obadiah 15-18).
Hamas summer camps are indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 09, 2011
The confusion in the financial markets is making way for a one world currency
Listen to Today's Program 
Financial experts say the confusion in both money markets and the worldwide monetary system and the volatility of all the markets has caused the economic community to call for a new global financial architecture and monetary system and the viable possibility for a single world currency. Many world leaders have already embraced such a system with others looking favorably to the soon coming of this one world currency, the problem now is what would that currency be and what if any would be the possibility for a present currency to be used.
The one thing for sure in most economic circles is that the United States dollar is at the point of being replaced by a more stable currency in our world and that to happen very soon.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The coming one world currency is about to appear on the stage of this world just as foretold in the pages of Bible prophecy.
Economist after economist keep telling world leaders that a one world currency is a part of the fix for the global economic crisis. The financial experts in our world today keep saying that the United States dollar is no longer strong enough to sustain its position as the present world currency. The forecast for a brighter economic situation in America and around the world is not really in play today. G-20, the organization of the top 20 economic powers among all the nations, continues to call, not only for a new single currency, but also a global economic structure that can resolve this financial crisis.
There is an end of times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy that will be the solution to the economic crisis now in place. Revelation 18 describes a one world economic headquarters to be found in the Middle East in fact in the city of Babylon where all financial woes will be resolved. Revelation 13:16-17 lays out a method to be followed in all financial dealings where each person will receive an identification mark in order to be able to buy or sell using a one world currency. This global economic structure actually comes on the scene after the Rapture of the Church. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Financial experts say the confusion in both money markets and the worldwide monetary system and the volatility of all the markets has caused the economic community to call for a new global financial architecture and monetary system and the viable possibility for a single world currency. Many world leaders have already embraced such a system with others looking favorably to the soon coming of this one world currency, the problem now is what would that currency be and what if any would be the possibility for a present currency to be used.
The one thing for sure in most economic circles is that the United States dollar is at the point of being replaced by a more stable currency in our world and that to happen very soon.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The coming one world currency is about to appear on the stage of this world just as foretold in the pages of Bible prophecy.
Economist after economist keep telling world leaders that a one world currency is a part of the fix for the global economic crisis. The financial experts in our world today keep saying that the United States dollar is no longer strong enough to sustain its position as the present world currency. The forecast for a brighter economic situation in America and around the world is not really in play today. G-20, the organization of the top 20 economic powers among all the nations, continues to call, not only for a new single currency, but also a global economic structure that can resolve this financial crisis.
There is an end of times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy that will be the solution to the economic crisis now in place. Revelation 18 describes a one world economic headquarters to be found in the Middle East in fact in the city of Babylon where all financial woes will be resolved. Revelation 13:16-17 lays out a method to be followed in all financial dealings where each person will receive an identification mark in order to be able to buy or sell using a one world currency. This global economic structure actually comes on the scene after the Rapture of the Church. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 08, 2011
Jews around the world celebrate a Jewish feast day by reading the Bible all night long
Listen to Today's Program 
On the Jewish holy day, the Feast of Pentecost, Jews around the world observe one of the feast days given to them 3500 years ago by God and it is the day of honoring the Lord with the firstfruits of their wheat harvest, however with no Temple in Jerusalem they have no place to take the offering.
Instead of going to the Temple, Jewish worshipers will stop to remember the day that the great Jewish leader Moses received the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament which is called the Law. In fact, the night of the Feast of Pentecost is spent by these religious Jews reading and studying the Bible, evidence of their love for God's Word.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Celebration of the Feast of Pentecost and the giving of the Jewish Law, the Torah by Jews around the world, is an interesting connection to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
On the Jewish feast day of Pentecost, Jews are directed to go to Jerusalem and to bring with them the firstfruits of their wheat harvest into the Temple. Of course today there is no Temple in Jerusalem and that command cannot be followed by Jews in our time. What all religious Jews do on this special holy day is during the night of the day of Pentecost, they stay up and read and study God's Word. They study the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament, where there is found two of the covenants that God made with the Jewish people. God made a promise to Abraham in Genesis 15 that He would make Abraham a great nation, the Jewish nation which is by the way guaranteed by the Abrahamic Covenant.
In Deuteronomy 30, the Lord also promises in the Land Covenant, that this Jewish nation will have a land to live on forever, and by the way, it will be ten times the size of the land that they have today. The day of Pentecost in 30AD is the day when Christians came into existence and the Church began, Acts 2. But remember, the Church did not replace God's promises to the Jewish people. The Church has not replaced God's plan for His chosen people, the Jewish people.
As Jews around the world observe Pentecost and celebrate the giving of the Bible to them 3500 years ago, they can rest assured that the Lord will keep His promise to them.

On the Jewish holy day, the Feast of Pentecost, Jews around the world observe one of the feast days given to them 3500 years ago by God and it is the day of honoring the Lord with the firstfruits of their wheat harvest, however with no Temple in Jerusalem they have no place to take the offering.
Instead of going to the Temple, Jewish worshipers will stop to remember the day that the great Jewish leader Moses received the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament which is called the Law. In fact, the night of the Feast of Pentecost is spent by these religious Jews reading and studying the Bible, evidence of their love for God's Word.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Celebration of the Feast of Pentecost and the giving of the Jewish Law, the Torah by Jews around the world, is an interesting connection to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
On the Jewish feast day of Pentecost, Jews are directed to go to Jerusalem and to bring with them the firstfruits of their wheat harvest into the Temple. Of course today there is no Temple in Jerusalem and that command cannot be followed by Jews in our time. What all religious Jews do on this special holy day is during the night of the day of Pentecost, they stay up and read and study God's Word. They study the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament, where there is found two of the covenants that God made with the Jewish people. God made a promise to Abraham in Genesis 15 that He would make Abraham a great nation, the Jewish nation which is by the way guaranteed by the Abrahamic Covenant.
In Deuteronomy 30, the Lord also promises in the Land Covenant, that this Jewish nation will have a land to live on forever, and by the way, it will be ten times the size of the land that they have today. The day of Pentecost in 30AD is the day when Christians came into existence and the Church began, Acts 2. But remember, the Church did not replace God's promises to the Jewish people. The Church has not replaced God's plan for His chosen people, the Jewish people.
As Jews around the world observe Pentecost and celebrate the giving of the Bible to them 3500 years ago, they can rest assured that the Lord will keep His promise to them.
June 07, 2011
Israel's celebration of the reunification of the city Jerusalem makes the holy city very controversial
Listen to Today's Program 
On June 7, 1967, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) captured the Old City of Jerusalem during the Six Day War and reunited the sacred city after 2000 years giving Jews access to the Temple Mount, the most sacred piece of real estate in Judaism.
As the Jewish people marked this special day on the anniversary of the miraculous events that brought about the reunification of Jerusalem, there is still a major question mark and a growing controversy over the city. Both the US and the EU have applied pressure on the Israeli government to once again divide Jerusalem into the capitals of the two states Israel and Palestine, which puts in jeopardy the often quoted description of Jerusalem as the undivided eternal capital of the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The reunification of the city of Jerusalem in 1967 caused celebration among the Jews around the world but it also set the stage for controversy surrounding Judaism's most sacred piece of real estate, a scenario that is according to Bible prophecy.
As the Jewish people celebrate the reunification of the holy city, Jerusalem every year since 1967, they also continue to watch how this unique city becomes more and more controversial each and every day. Political leaders around the world continue to call for the city to be divided to serve both the Israelis and the Palestinians as the capital city for their two states. This scenario that is being played out today was foretold thousands of years ago.
Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse, found in Like 21:24 stated that Jerusalem will be trodden down of the Gentiles, non-Jewish world leaders, until He returns to earth to liberate the city. The prophet Zechariah also spoke of Jerusalem as the center of controversy, Zechariah 12:2. Zechariah 1:14-16 revealed that Jesus, in a pre-incarnate appearance to the prophet, is aggressively possessive of Jerusalem. He is very displeased with those non-Jews who control the Temple Mount with arrogant security and the Lord revealed that one day He will come back to Jerusalem to build His Temple and there to dwell among His people, the Jewish people, forever.
Jerusalem Day celebrations are indeed a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

On June 7, 1967, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) captured the Old City of Jerusalem during the Six Day War and reunited the sacred city after 2000 years giving Jews access to the Temple Mount, the most sacred piece of real estate in Judaism.
As the Jewish people marked this special day on the anniversary of the miraculous events that brought about the reunification of Jerusalem, there is still a major question mark and a growing controversy over the city. Both the US and the EU have applied pressure on the Israeli government to once again divide Jerusalem into the capitals of the two states Israel and Palestine, which puts in jeopardy the often quoted description of Jerusalem as the undivided eternal capital of the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The reunification of the city of Jerusalem in 1967 caused celebration among the Jews around the world but it also set the stage for controversy surrounding Judaism's most sacred piece of real estate, a scenario that is according to Bible prophecy.
As the Jewish people celebrate the reunification of the holy city, Jerusalem every year since 1967, they also continue to watch how this unique city becomes more and more controversial each and every day. Political leaders around the world continue to call for the city to be divided to serve both the Israelis and the Palestinians as the capital city for their two states. This scenario that is being played out today was foretold thousands of years ago.
Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse, found in Like 21:24 stated that Jerusalem will be trodden down of the Gentiles, non-Jewish world leaders, until He returns to earth to liberate the city. The prophet Zechariah also spoke of Jerusalem as the center of controversy, Zechariah 12:2. Zechariah 1:14-16 revealed that Jesus, in a pre-incarnate appearance to the prophet, is aggressively possessive of Jerusalem. He is very displeased with those non-Jews who control the Temple Mount with arrogant security and the Lord revealed that one day He will come back to Jerusalem to build His Temple and there to dwell among His people, the Jewish people, forever.
Jerusalem Day celebrations are indeed a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 06, 2011
President Obama's war on Libya has no basis in US law but was authorized by the New World Order
The title of a Washington Times editorial states that US President Obama's illegal war on Libya was authorized by a UN resolution, not the Constitution of the US which calls for the US Congress to authorize any military activity undertaken by the US military, a point that can be argued by both sides of the issue.
Some analysts are saying this is a dangerous precedent when the US takes military action with authorization from the UN not the US Congress, a step many claim to be a move towards a New World Order.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
US military action against Libya under the authorization of the UN is a precursor to the New World Order that will come to power in the last days according to Bible prophecy.
There are many on both sides of the political spectrum that accused President Obama of making an "illegal move" when he decided to go ahead with the military action against Libya. Those opposed to Obama's decision for military action are not on the side of Libya's Colonel Gadhafi, a treacherous dictator, but say that all military action by US troops must be authorized by the Constitution and the US Congress, not by the president alone. There indeed are good arguments on both sides of this issue which will be debated, however a move by the US President under authorization from the UN is a step very close to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
There will be a New World Order in place during the seven year tribulation period which will be led by a leader referred to in the scriptures as the Antichrist, Revelation 13 and 18. In Daniel 11:38 the ancient prophet revealed that this Antichrist will be a military genius who worships the god of forces. This New World Order, a one-world, governmental, economic, political system will be headquartered in the Middle East, Revelation 18:1-3, and will rule all of humankind, even the buying and selling of essential items needed for life.
A US president taking military action authorized by an international governmental body is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Some analysts are saying this is a dangerous precedent when the US takes military action with authorization from the UN not the US Congress, a step many claim to be a move towards a New World Order.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
US military action against Libya under the authorization of the UN is a precursor to the New World Order that will come to power in the last days according to Bible prophecy.
There are many on both sides of the political spectrum that accused President Obama of making an "illegal move" when he decided to go ahead with the military action against Libya. Those opposed to Obama's decision for military action are not on the side of Libya's Colonel Gadhafi, a treacherous dictator, but say that all military action by US troops must be authorized by the Constitution and the US Congress, not by the president alone. There indeed are good arguments on both sides of this issue which will be debated, however a move by the US President under authorization from the UN is a step very close to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
There will be a New World Order in place during the seven year tribulation period which will be led by a leader referred to in the scriptures as the Antichrist, Revelation 13 and 18. In Daniel 11:38 the ancient prophet revealed that this Antichrist will be a military genius who worships the god of forces. This New World Order, a one-world, governmental, economic, political system will be headquartered in the Middle East, Revelation 18:1-3, and will rule all of humankind, even the buying and selling of essential items needed for life.
A US president taking military action authorized by an international governmental body is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
June 03, 2011
Israeli President Shimon Peres says that Jerusalem will see peace in our time
Israeli President Shimon Peres believes that there can be peace in Jerusalem and it can be achieved in our lifetime citing, as an example, the events of the Six Day War in 1967 that brought about the reunification of Jerusalem and the breaking down of the divisions that once wracked the holy city by offering freedom to all faiths and creeds in Jerusalem.
Peres said that Israel was forced to fend for its life in the 1967 war which resulted in the capture of land and the revival of a divided city into Jerusalem that has become a bustling metropolis picturesque and thriving open to all believers and the center of the Jewish nation.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Israel's president believes that in our lifetime Jerusalem will see a real peace, a scenario that agrees with Bible prophecy.
Israel's President Shimon Peres, speaking from the holy city of Jerusalem, believes that this reunited city is evidence that there will be peace in our lifetime. Indeed the reunification of Jerusalem has brought about great results for the Jewish people but at the same time, it has also made Jerusalem the center of controversy among Moslems and even the leaders of this world. As world leaders travel the road to peace in the Middle East, Jerusalem is always a major topic on their quest for peace. The continuing question of who should control Jerusalem politically is at the top of any agenda in the peace process.
Ancient Jewish prophets spoke often about Jerusalem and her status in the last days especially as it relates to peace. Daniel wrote a scenario where a world leader will come to Jerusalem and establish peace between Israel and her neighbors (Daniel 9:27). The Psalmist exhorted Jews to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6) and many others, especially Christians, are also praying for the peace of Jerusalem. The Daniel passage confirms that there will be peace in Jerusalem howbeit a short lived peace that will result in a false peace. Jerusalem will indeed be key in any discussion of peace in the Middle East but there will not be true peace in Jerusalem for at least 7 years, that's the 7 years of the Tribulation period as described in Revelation 4-19.
True peace comes to Israel when the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, returns to Jerusalem. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Peres said that Israel was forced to fend for its life in the 1967 war which resulted in the capture of land and the revival of a divided city into Jerusalem that has become a bustling metropolis picturesque and thriving open to all believers and the center of the Jewish nation.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Israel's president believes that in our lifetime Jerusalem will see a real peace, a scenario that agrees with Bible prophecy.
Israel's President Shimon Peres, speaking from the holy city of Jerusalem, believes that this reunited city is evidence that there will be peace in our lifetime. Indeed the reunification of Jerusalem has brought about great results for the Jewish people but at the same time, it has also made Jerusalem the center of controversy among Moslems and even the leaders of this world. As world leaders travel the road to peace in the Middle East, Jerusalem is always a major topic on their quest for peace. The continuing question of who should control Jerusalem politically is at the top of any agenda in the peace process.
Ancient Jewish prophets spoke often about Jerusalem and her status in the last days especially as it relates to peace. Daniel wrote a scenario where a world leader will come to Jerusalem and establish peace between Israel and her neighbors (Daniel 9:27). The Psalmist exhorted Jews to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6) and many others, especially Christians, are also praying for the peace of Jerusalem. The Daniel passage confirms that there will be peace in Jerusalem howbeit a short lived peace that will result in a false peace. Jerusalem will indeed be key in any discussion of peace in the Middle East but there will not be true peace in Jerusalem for at least 7 years, that's the 7 years of the Tribulation period as described in Revelation 4-19.
True peace comes to Israel when the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, returns to Jerusalem. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 02, 2011
Priestly blessings were recited on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem - the first time in history of modern-day Israel
Rabbi Israel Ariel, the head of the Temple Institute and one of the paratroopers who helped liberate the Temple Mount back in 1967, joined with other members of the priestly family and offered the priestly blessing on the Temple Mount, a first in the history of the modern-day Jewish state of Israel. Security precautions were implemented for all those wishing to ascend to the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day, the 44th anniversary of the reunification of the city of Jerusalem.
Despite the close proximity of the Moslem police forces always present on the Temple Mount and their obvious anger, this event went off without a hitch, an event that could be very explosive.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Priestly prayers being offered on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for the first time in the modern-day state of Israel, is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
On the recent celebration of Jerusalem Day marking the 44th anniversary of the reunification of the city of Jerusalem, Jews were granted access to the most holy place in all of Judaism. On this occasion, a number of Jewish men who claim to be from the tribe of Levi, the priestly tribe, offered the priestly prayers and blessings on the location of the previous Jewish temples.
Though the Moslem police forces on the Temple Mount were angry over this forbidden activity, there was no incident. The fact that the Jews were allowed on the Temple Mount and able to offer prayers there is a great step toward the building of the temple on this very controversial piece of real estate.
Bible prophecy does call for a temple to stand on the Temple Mount, a temple that will be built by the Jewish Messiah when He comes to rule and reign on the earth, and that is according to the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah who recorded that prophecy in Zechariah 6:12-13. The temple that the Messiah Jesus Christ will build is at least 7 years into the future because before He comes to Jerusalem, there will be 7 years of trouble in this world - that's called the Tribulation period. However, there will be another temple built in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount during that 7 years and that prediction found in 4 different passages: Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1.
Religious Jews offering the priestly prayers and blessings on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Despite the close proximity of the Moslem police forces always present on the Temple Mount and their obvious anger, this event went off without a hitch, an event that could be very explosive.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Priestly prayers being offered on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for the first time in the modern-day state of Israel, is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
On the recent celebration of Jerusalem Day marking the 44th anniversary of the reunification of the city of Jerusalem, Jews were granted access to the most holy place in all of Judaism. On this occasion, a number of Jewish men who claim to be from the tribe of Levi, the priestly tribe, offered the priestly prayers and blessings on the location of the previous Jewish temples.
Though the Moslem police forces on the Temple Mount were angry over this forbidden activity, there was no incident. The fact that the Jews were allowed on the Temple Mount and able to offer prayers there is a great step toward the building of the temple on this very controversial piece of real estate.
Bible prophecy does call for a temple to stand on the Temple Mount, a temple that will be built by the Jewish Messiah when He comes to rule and reign on the earth, and that is according to the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah who recorded that prophecy in Zechariah 6:12-13. The temple that the Messiah Jesus Christ will build is at least 7 years into the future because before He comes to Jerusalem, there will be 7 years of trouble in this world - that's called the Tribulation period. However, there will be another temple built in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount during that 7 years and that prediction found in 4 different passages: Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1.
Religious Jews offering the priestly prayers and blessings on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
June 01, 2011
Israeli's mark Jerusalem Day, the 44th anniversary of the reunification of the city of Jerusalem
Listen to Today's Program 
Prime Minister Netanyahu speaking to thousands of Israelis on Jerusalem Day said that Jerusalem is and always will be the undivided eternal capital of the Jewish people and Israelis will continue to develop and build homes in their capital city now and forever.
Both the Israelis and the Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital city which causes a situation that has brought conflict between the Jews and the Palestinians and there seems to be no solution for this conflict.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The ongoing conflict and controversy surrounding the city of Jerusalem is tangible evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
On June 7, 1967 for the first time in 2000 years, Jewish people took control of their holy city of Jerusalem after coming under attack by Arab nations from all sides. This Six Day War in '67 resulted in the reunification of Jerusalem and saw big, tough Israeli paratroopers crying as they entered the Temple Mount and defeated the Jordanian forces trying to hold off the Israeli soldiers. Jordanian soldiers asked the Jews if they were going to build their Temple on the Temple Mount where two previous Jewish temples had stood.
Ironically, Israeli leaders believed they could acquire peace by appeasing the Muslims and returning control to the Islamic Trust for the Temple Mount. This arrangement has not worked out for 44 years and the situation on the Temple Mount is very explosive and could break into an armed conflict very quickly. In fact, that scenario is what will happen according to the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah, who said that Jerusalem will become intoxicating to those who are non Jews controlling the Temple Mount and the entire city of Jerusalem, Zechariah 12:2.
Zechariah also said that the Lord is aggressively possessive for Jerusalem, He is very sorely displeased with those who are arrogantly secure with their control of the Temple Mount and that the Messiah, Jesus Christ will one day come back to Jerusalem to build His Temple on that sacred piece of real estate and to dwell among the Jewish people there forever, Zechariah 1:14-16 and Psalm 132:12-13.
As the Jews mark Jerusalem Day, they must stop and listen to their own prophets who said that Jerusalem will be the focus of controversy in the last days.

Prime Minister Netanyahu speaking to thousands of Israelis on Jerusalem Day said that Jerusalem is and always will be the undivided eternal capital of the Jewish people and Israelis will continue to develop and build homes in their capital city now and forever.
Both the Israelis and the Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital city which causes a situation that has brought conflict between the Jews and the Palestinians and there seems to be no solution for this conflict.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The ongoing conflict and controversy surrounding the city of Jerusalem is tangible evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
On June 7, 1967 for the first time in 2000 years, Jewish people took control of their holy city of Jerusalem after coming under attack by Arab nations from all sides. This Six Day War in '67 resulted in the reunification of Jerusalem and saw big, tough Israeli paratroopers crying as they entered the Temple Mount and defeated the Jordanian forces trying to hold off the Israeli soldiers. Jordanian soldiers asked the Jews if they were going to build their Temple on the Temple Mount where two previous Jewish temples had stood.
Ironically, Israeli leaders believed they could acquire peace by appeasing the Muslims and returning control to the Islamic Trust for the Temple Mount. This arrangement has not worked out for 44 years and the situation on the Temple Mount is very explosive and could break into an armed conflict very quickly. In fact, that scenario is what will happen according to the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah, who said that Jerusalem will become intoxicating to those who are non Jews controlling the Temple Mount and the entire city of Jerusalem, Zechariah 12:2.
Zechariah also said that the Lord is aggressively possessive for Jerusalem, He is very sorely displeased with those who are arrogantly secure with their control of the Temple Mount and that the Messiah, Jesus Christ will one day come back to Jerusalem to build His Temple on that sacred piece of real estate and to dwell among the Jewish people there forever, Zechariah 1:14-16 and Psalm 132:12-13.
As the Jews mark Jerusalem Day, they must stop and listen to their own prophets who said that Jerusalem will be the focus of controversy in the last days.
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